Chapter 3: Blood Moon

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"Hello, Isaac"

"Who the fuck are you?!" Zack jumped and soon snapped out of his psychotic attitude, looking at the blacked out figure with a confused and concerned expression.

"Zack?.... Who is that?" Rachel called out from behind still sat on the ground a few meters away from Zack, she looked at him but couldn't see his faces he had his back to her facing whoever that was...she could defiantly tell that he was angry as his grip on his knife tightened dramatically, worrying Ray a bit.

"...Run..." Zack spoke with no emotion as he loosened his grip a little and changed his stance preparing for a fight, 

"Z-Zack..?" Ray Extended her arm out slightly, trying to comfort him...

"I SAID FUCKING RUN DIDN'T I...GO BACK INTO THE HOUSE RAY!" Zack turned his head and shouted at the now terrified Rachel.

Ray froze in fear at what he said...he'd never shouted at her like that before, sure he had said vulgar things to her and shouted at her when they were in that unearthly place, but he had calmed and matured slightly since then and rarely raised his voice at her..'Who is this, why is he getting so worked up over whoever they are as well...?' Rachel thought to herself as she sighed and dropped her head, her eyes tearing up.

"Still as cold as ever I see" the stranger spoke again

"Tch, what is it that you want? Whatever it is you can't have it so just get lost will ya!" Zack attempted to provoke the strange person as he arrogantly smirked and turned his head looking away from the shadow. Ray shuffled over slightly edging closer to Zack,

"Please can't you just leave it..." Rachel softly pleaded reaching out to grab his available hand

"Ray....stop me if I get out of control please....ya hear me?" Zack muttered but loud enough so that she could hear him.

"Zac-" Rachel was cut off at the sound of a gunshot her eyes widened in shock and terror...

(Zacks POV)

'Shit... why am I the one always getting shot...damn how many of them are there?!?' several dark figures started to appear in the tree line, I grabbed my stomach as my legs gave way and I collapsed onto my knees as I hear the voice speak again.

"ah...sorry we had to do this but we need you for something Isaac, that bullet that has just entered your stomach is a small but lethal dose of a neurotoxin and will slowly start to kill you, we do however have an antidote...although in order to obtain it you have to co-operate and come with us though" I could feel myself getting more and more angry by the minute

" hell, I'd come with you..." I gasped for air in between phrases as I hear a soft and familiar voice speak to me

"Zack! Are you okay...oh're bleeding too much I nee-" I cut her off as I snapped at the girl currently hugging me from behind

"I don't need your help...get off...of me" I tried shrugging her off but she wouldn't move, I then realised who it was '...Ray....shit what did I just say to her...damn it, the pain is making me say stupid shit'


"It's okay Zack...I know you're in a lot of pain...let me be useful please, otherwise the bleeding is going to get worse!" Rachel spoke sweetly to me but with a cold stern look on her face, I wanted her to smile for me...

(End of POV)

"Oh, what's this? A girl? Surely you're not with Isaac, are you? Ahah I didn't realise he had gone soft!" A different voice spoke this time, one of the several mysterious figures that spoke this time...almost trying to provoke the duo. Zack was ready to get up and kill them but he heard a small voice whisper to him.

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