Chapter 4: Unholy Night (Part 2)

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Hey, It's been a while, how are you all hope you're all good and well, I will try to get the last chapter out soon and make it really special, thank you all so much for the support and helping me reach over 1K reads it means a lot and when I started this I never imagined I'd end up with this many reads, I didn't think people would really be interested and I know a lot of people will say this but really I am shocked but so happy, anyway, Please enjoy and a warning this is going to have some slight sexual content at the end and in the next chapter as well (that will be more mature content) not that any of you will care 😂 just kidding. Enjoy my lovelies 😘

"Welcome," a deep eerie voice echoed as both Zack And Ray entered the facility "I hope they weren't too rough with you two...Oh?!"

The voice concluded

"Yeah..they were VERY gentle with us" Rachel sarcastically smiled as she glared at the man

"I'm so very sorry about what they have put you two through, let me take him off your hands, he needs medical attention right away-"

"No!" Rachel snapped "Zack's not leaving my side, so either I come with him to make sure you're not doing any weird experiments on him...or I'm leaving here with him" she deepened her glare on the mysterious man

"Okay, fine come right this way Ms. Gardener, don't worry Mr. Foster will be In good hands we will take very good care of him" the man smirked and led Rachel with a blood-covered Zack into the medic station...

'I don't like this, something Is off about this place, these people, this man...they're all being too kind for their own good, somethings going on...something malice..' Ray thought herself as she scanned her surrounding on the way to the medical room, Being very vigilant...

"R..ay? Where ..are we ... going?" Zack had gained enough strength to speak slightly he was quiet though which was good for Rachel "shhhs Zack, you need to rest, were on our way to the medical room, everything going to be okay, you'll feel better into time I promise" Ray whispered to him, hiding the fact she was terrified of what was to come, as she lightly kissed his bandaged cheek.

The three of them had been walking for about 5 minutes when the man came to a stop and turned around to look at the two of them "We're here please continue to follow me, when we get inside follow me to the private room where Isaac can rest" he calmly spoke as he smirked a bit

"What are you going to do once we get in here, moreover what are you going to do to Zack?" Ray questioned without hesitation with a dead look

"Ahh..such a smart girl aren't you, good question, heh...we will run checks over his physical status, clean and patch his wounds and get him to a stable enough condition for the doctors to inject him with the antidote..."the man paused and look down at Rachel "Is that good enough for you Ms. Gardener?"

Ray nodded cautiously

"Oh also we will run scans on you as well to make sure you're in good health to have a child" the smirk got bigger "then you two will be put into a room together, you won't be able to come out until you have has sex, unprotected obviously since we need you to have a child, don't worry we will make sure neither of you has any infection beforehand" he slyly provoked Ray but make sure not to anger her too much "This is all just a game to you isn't it, we're just toys for your own need, you only need our child why?"

No reply

The three continued to walk deeper into the medic wing, they finally come to a stop at a door that said 'PRIVATE EXAMINATION ROOM' and the man finally answered her question "...We need the child that you two have produced because...we want to bio-medically advance and to do that we need to start with a strong subject, of course you will look after child for a year to make sure its in prime condition, then...we will let you two go and forget this ever've already been told you won't be leaving with the child, so no need for me to explain again" Ray hung her head at the sound of that as they entered the room...

Rachel immediately laid Zack on the bed and made him as comfortable as possible, doctors swiftly rushed in a crowded around him and set to work as one lady nurse took Ray to the room next door...

"Please don't fight, please just be calm you'll be able to see him shortly the doctors here are well trained, I'm here to do some scans on you and get you ready okay?" the young woman gently spoke and she sat Ray on the bed and handed her a clean change of clothes "the shower is over there, after you've used it and cleaned up come back out in the clothes I gave you and I will quickly do the scans and you can go see him" she smiled, it was a genuine smile, Rachel gave a small smile back and headed over to the showers "My names Lily, just call me if you need anything, I'll be waiting here"

"I'm Rachel, Rachel Gardener..." Ray smiled and headed into the showers...

(Rachel's POV)

'This place is so clean and luxurious, she was so nice, I wonder if it was a facade she had put on? anyway may as well make use of this...??....' "so much choice of shampoos and body washes!... Oh?! a shaver as well?" carefully picked out what I wanted examining it thoroughly, the shower was so big and comforting almost, it made me feel at ease..."Here goes nothing" I turned the hot water on, it felt really nice against my skin, I hadn't showered In a long time so It was bound to feel good...'Gotta hurry up I've been in here 20 minutes, I need to see Zack"

Swiftly I got out and dried down, as I went to get changed I realised what 'clothes' she had given me, a white lace babydoll with a matching pair of white lacey underwear to go with it, and hidden in the babydoll I found some perfume, it actually smells really nice..."Oh well, It's for Zack so take no notice" I said quietly to myself as I slipped into the lingerie..'It fits perfect...WHAT THE HELL??"

(End of POV)

"Ahhh you're out, how was it? you look lovely by the way... I'm sure he will love it on you" Lily greeted Rachel who was dressed head to toe in white lace and looked stunning "it was great thanks" Rachel closed the door and stepped deeper into the room "Oh right, let's get you weighed and measured then I'll start the tests...Okay?"

"Yeah okay" Rachel followed her into a smaller but not too much smaller space where Lily proceeded to test Ray

15 Minutes Later

"I'm done now, I think they've also finished up with Zack now...would you like to go see him? " Lily smiled and gestured to the door "Yes please, take me to him" Ray insisted

The nurse led her into a home like room where she left Ray and locked the door, Rachel looked around to see a fully decorated bedroom with a king-sized bed in the middle, with Zack sat up in the middle of it..."Hey Ray, I'm all better now..." Half bandaged Zack said smiling at her "ZACK!" Ray ran to Zack and jumped into his arms, forgetting that he'd just recently been shot "Tch..careful Ray, I'm not fully healed yet"

"AH...I'm so sorry I forgot, I was just excited to see you that's all and-- where is the rest of your bandages?" Ray look at him with a perplexed expression

"Oh..they wouldn't let me have more bandages, said something about easier access or whatever, why does it bother you?" Zack blushed as Ray touched his un-bandaged chest "You look beautiful Ray, you look like an angel" Zack pulled Ray by her hips closer to him...

"Z...Zack what are yo-" Rachel was cut off as lust came over Zack as he kissed her passionately, he pulled her more into his lap where Ray whimpered as she felt something bulge and grow underneath her 'Is he hard?!' Ray asked herself, Zack bucked up slightly making Ray moan 'Is this really going to happen??!'

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