Chapter 5: Family (Part 2)

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"I'm pregnant"


"WHATTTTTTT?!?!" Zack exclaimed clearly in a state of shock, "H-How do you know are you sure Ray?" Zack pleaded

"I've thrown up a few time over the past 2 weeks and I haven't gotten my period"

"Is there any test's in the bathroom, if there is do one of them please, I need confirmation..." Zack said nervously as he gently pushes Ray back into the bathroom

(Zack's POV)

'Shit shit shit shit SHIT, GOD FUCKING DAMN IT, AM A FUCKING IDIOT....why...I shouldn't have fuckin taken that 'medicine' that creepy doctor gave me....I'd never act like that...she's too pure for me to do that.... and then ....then this happened!'


I pace the room back and forth, huffing and puffing being angry at myself...I knew it wouldn't get me anywhere...was I getting worked up over nothing ..... in reality, I knew what was going to happen...for the first time in my life I was...


Scared of losing Ray...

Scared of...losing my child...

"Damn it fuckin all...' tears filled my eyes as I hastily put my hoodie back on covering my eyes with the hood...

(End of POV)

The petit blonde sighed as she searched for a pregnancy test hoping she wouldn't find one....she knew too well what would happen once the organisation found out...she didn't want that...the thought of it made her blood boil..."Ah!" Her hand skimmed across a box of miscellaneous objects...and to her demise, she had found what Zack had wanted her to find...a single tear dropped onto her hand and she took out two pregnancy tests...

(Ray's POV)

'No....*sigh* ...fine here goes nothing ' I mumbled as I sat down on the toilet to do what needed to be done

10 minutes later

'Right lets see what both of them came up--' I paused as I saw the results dropping to my knees clutching the one I picked up to my chest...

My heart heavy in my chest as it beat faster each time...catching my breath I stood back up my legs trembling as I looked into the mirror at myself .... the blueness of my eyes drained along with all colour in my face...then came the tears in floods of silver and blue 'why...Zack me' I slumped back down on to the bathroom floor when...

"Ray what the fuck are you doing its been ten minutes, you okay?" a voice I was glad to hear called out to me as the doorknob turned and opened the door, I quickly stood up as Zack entered the eyes red from crying as I felt myself start to cry again...dropping the test I ran up and hugged him, knocking him over in the process "Ray?!?"

(End of POV)

The two hugged for what felt like forever while Ray calmed down as they stood up Zack looked over at the test on the floor, eyes widening as he slowly let go of Ray..."Zack? Whats Wro-" Ray looked at where Zack was looking at her eyes darted back to the man stood in front of her as her stomach flipped inside her...

"I-It's ......"


Zack stuttered out as he fell backwards "Zack!" Ray exclaimed as she knelt down beside him, Zack realising that reality had finally sunk in, he quickly gathered his thoughts and soon pulled Ray into his chest, holding her tight "Everything will be fine...I promise I will not let them take our child...I sware to you, I love you Ray" Zack tightened his grip as Ray stroked his hair, the two comforting each other...

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