Chapter 5: Family (Part 1)

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(Just a warning before you continue to read, this will have some sexual content in it - Slight Smut - but it won't be graphic as I know not everyone will enjoy that, but if you are against that sort of thing then I advise you to not read this as I don't want to offend or upset anyone. If you stayed though well thank you and enjoy😘)

"Zack..." a small blonde beauty breathed faintly as Zack placed fragile kisses working his way down her neck and shoulders. Their fingers intertwining as he pushed her down, her hair sprawled out on the bed as Ray tried to hide her embarrassment.
"Let me see your face Ray" Zack whispered clearly blushing from the heat of the moment..."Ah..Z-Zack" Ray moaned as he licked the top of her chest, Their heart beats growing faster "Ray..."

"I Love You"

(Rachel's POV)

'He...said.. it?....He said I love you....I'm do happy' my smile growing ever more wider, but it was covered with the embarrassment i felt as Zack carefully kissed me from head to toe leaving no space left untouched, tonight he would make me his...our bodies would become one...we would finally learn what really love feels like...

Tonight...I'm no longer Rachel

(End of POV)

Ray knew he had changed, for the better...that was yet to be decided - but he had become softer in a way.

"Ray.." a sweet familiar voiced echoed through out the room As she came to her senses and realised what was about to happen... " this really going to happen?" The girl questioned shyly...
"You trust me right Ray?" Zack smiled slightly, Ray nodded.
"Then...just go with it...I won't hurt you" those words Made her feel at ease as Zack cautiously placed her in a comfortable position underneath him as he kissed her, monouvering his hands to hold her thighs around his waist as he skilfully undressed her swiftly, exposing her raw body.


"Huh?!" Ray was about to protest but was forcefully silenced when Zack smashed his lips onto her as he was over come with lust, he began to feel her and how wet she had become just from a bit of teasing 'hehe Zack 1 Ray 0' He thought as he smirked a little.

Quickly Ray had managed to get the rest of clothing and bandaged off of Zack as he began to thrust into her 'DAMN! she's really tight' He thought as he melted inside of her, as she began to get more comfortable the pain now subsiding.

And with that he was now pounding into her harder and harder each time, her moans cheering him on letting him know he was doing a good job, "Ray...I'm gonna cum!" Zack moaned as he earned an other sweet moan out of the hot mess of a girl below him "m-me too..Ah Zack!"

Finally they both came as Zack collapsed onto of her, she played with his hair as he looked up at her, his scars fully on show but he didn't care for the fisrt time in years he had finally accepted himself and with that his past, they both shared a passionate kiss as they both held each other, falling asleep smiling completely satisfied.

4 weeks later

(Rachel's POV)

'I feel so sick...I don't want to wake Zack up' I looked down hopelessly at a sleeping Zack, then looked at him holding my hand I felt so bad leaving him for needing to leave him bit I was afraid I was going to be had been 4 weeks since that special night, I still get butterflies just thinking about it, I loved every moment of it.

Feeling sick for about 2 weeks now it was getting progressively worse but I didn't want to let him know that other wise he would be angry with me.

'Damn why do I need to be sick now of all times k really font want to disturb him he looks so .... cute" I smile warmly as I slip out of bed feeling worse...I ran to the bath room of our new apartment (courtesy of the crazy science facility) which they had agreed to and only monitor us every 3 months now....

I made it just in time as i threw up...alot

(End of POV)

The commotion of Ray being sick and her knocking over some bottles woke Zack up, sitting up he rubbed his eyes and looked at the time '2:27' He thought 'what's she doing up at this time?'
"Ray?" Zack staggered over to the bathroom where he lightly knocked on the door and quietly called out her name... "are you okay?.... Ray answer me" starting to get worried he tried the bathroom door but it was locked 'tch figures'

"Yeah I'm fine just felt a little bit sick that's all I'm fine I'll be out in a minute Zack" Ray called back as she tried her best to cover up the fact she had been crying

"You've been crying for fucks sake Ray what the hell is going on tell me, I hate liars what's wrong with you?"  Zack now staring to get annoyed asked her


"I'm crying because I am confused and sacred, I've felt sick for over 2 weeks now but didn't want to tell you in case you got angry at me, I didn't want to keep it from you I swear....I'm Just really confused and I don't know what to do!" Ray sobbed hopelessly as she clutched at an object in her hands not knowing want to say

"Will you either fucking come out or let me in please Ray" Zack pleaded with the girl sat with her back to the door sobbing


Zack entered the spacious bathroom closing the door behind him as Ray turned to face him, her eyes red from crying but a faint smile on her face started to appear... "Ra--"

"I'm pregnant"

(Thank you all so much for being patient with me on this, i had so much fun writing this (just not re-writting it hehe)  I know it's short but there is going to be a part 2 so keep an eye out for that. As always thank you for your support it means so so much, for now stay sweet darlings 😍😘)

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