- "Count me in." -

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The rest of the day after charms is rather uneventful, considering the rather exciting past occurrences. Soon, Hermione decides to make her way back to the dungeons.

As she paces through the desolate corridors, the faint echoes of her footsteps bounce off the walls. Other than that, it is eerily silent. Hermione carries her heavy books carefully under her arm, gripping the old leather covers tightly. For a second, her fingers slip off the chalky paper, yet she quickly readjusts her grip. Swallowing, Hermione turns away, the silence unsettling her slightly. Then, a frigid wind blows behind her, sending a trickle down her spine. Wide eyed, Hermione spins around, only for a transparent figure to float around the corner.

The figure wears a large hat and a wide grin, with a malicious edge, and holds a short, wooden walking stick. More noticeable is the loud singing coming from his mouth. "Old Pyne is slightly mad, how very sad!" The figure cackles with malicious glee, rubbing together his hands excitedly. Then, his crazy stare falls onto Hermione.

"And who might you be?" He asks with a glimmer of mirth in his eye.

Hermione looks up inquisitively at the person. No, not a person. He appears to be a ghost. But ghosts can't hold physical objects, can they? No. "I'm Hermione Granger."

The ghost winks at her. "Peeves to your service!" He shouts energetically, yet his shoulders droop noticeably and he frowns mournfully. "You're the first that hasn't run away."

Giggling, Hermione gestures towards Peeves. "Well, you aren't exactly the most scary thing I've seen."

Peeves laughs maniacally, fleshing his teeth. "I think you're very much mistaken." He says, throwing his arms, wide, exaggerating the very.

Sniggering, Hermione almost drops her books. Recollecting herself, she grins. "This isn't scary, this is just amusing."

Peeves scratchin his ear, a crease appearing on his forehead. "Well, the other firsties run away pretty quickly." He declares, a hint of pride apparent in his voice. He nods, as if pleased by his proclamation. Sighing, he floats down to Hermione, sitting beside her on the cold floor like a little child, legs crossed. "But you don't! Why?"

Hermione rolls her eyes. "I've already said. You aren't very scary." Then, a thought overcomes her. "What are you actually?" She asks, sitting down next to him.

"A poltergeist." A familiar voice answers, yet it wasn't Peeves'. Hermione spins around, eyes narrowed, and comes face to face with Hesper Black. His long black hair is unkempt, and his stormy grey eyes sparkly with curiosity. As always, a shiny silver badge is attached to his robes. Then, his gaze falls to Peeves, and his brows knit together tightly.

"Hush Peeves." He says, shooing the Poltergeist away with a sweep of his hand. Peeves opens his mouth to retort, yet Hesper cuts him of abruptly. "Or I'll tell the Baron." Grudgingly, Peeves stands up, and hops along the corridor, before lifting up into the air and disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Hesper grins, seemingly amused. "Well Granger, you're the first one I've seen who's had the idea to make friends with Peeves. Funny little person, isn't he?"

Hermione nods mutely, and stands up, still clutching her bags tightly.

Smiling kindly, Hesper helps her up from the floor. Shifting his weight to the other foot, he waves his wand. "A featherweight charm." He explained. "It-"

Interrupting him, Hermione recites in a monotone voice, "It makes the object you cast it on lighter. Invented by Cornelius Blooms in 1683." She pauses, and then adds, "The name is pretty self-explanatory."

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