- "A Muggle and a Squib." -

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A/N: This fanfic was published in June. Now, four months, 10 chapters, and 700 views later, we cannot express in words how happy we are to have done this. We finally have 10 chapters which contain 23,000 words. Wow. We would really like to thank you for all the support we have gotten. We doubt we would have been able to come this far without the support and the votes and the comments. As the Paragons, we really just want to say thank you so much.

As always, we hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote. Constructive Criticism is welcome.

Anyways, without further ado, we present to you the 10th Chapter of Never say Never. And mark our words, things are getting interesting...

Tom's brow furrow as he reads the page, again and again, a little crease appearing on his unmbkemished skin. There was no way in the good name of Salazar Slytherin that he is a half blood. But here, what the goblins had sent him, destroys any doubt he had. He was a half blood. Born to a squib and a filthy muggle. The shame.

He grips the edge of his bed tightly, his pale, bony fingers coiling around the post like a snake. Here, in his dorms, he had sent of the inheritance test three days prior. Just after he had returned from the library. Yet he had never expected... this.

His sharp nails once again trace the family tree, drawing small circles into the parchment. Above his name, an elegant scrawl connects the names Tom Riddle Sr. and Merope Gaunt. His parents.

A muggle and a squib.

It made him go queasy. All these years, he had believed he was superior, because of his blood. But no. He is a halfblood. But he was the most powerful. That means one thing: that he had been wrong.

Blood didn't matter, he realizes. There was one thing: Power. A sinister smile creeps onto his face. But he could use it to achieve power. His followers, after all, didn't know anything about this... and he would make sure they never would. The smirk widens. Again, he looks at the family tree. Gaunt. The family he had researched just days ago. At least, he had been right about their connection to him.

There is always light in the darkness, he thinks grimly. At least, he isn't an utter failure. A grin spreads. He reaches towards the book he had taken from the library. Old Pureblood Families In Wizarding Britain. Leisurely, he flicks through the parchment, until he finds the familiar name. He takes his time. After all, he only needs confirmation for his suspicions.

That, Tom Riddle, is the heir of Slytherin.

Descendant of Salazar, greatest of the four founders. Descendant of ancient line, that carries glory and power. Descendant of the gifts of the snake. He is Tom Riddle. Tom Marvolo Riddle. Born to a squib and a muggle.

But the most powerful all the same.

He reads through the pages. Scans them for one sentence that will cement his claim. And there, in the signature lavish handwriting, is his future. His past, present and future. There, sketched into the page. "The Gaunts are known to be descendants of Salazar Slytherin. However, they have fallen into disregard after they lost their fortune. It is unclear if the line is still active."

Tom smiles coyly. It is, in him.

He looks at the inheritance test again. Next to his mother, is the name Morfin Gaunt. And above, Marvolo Gaunt. His uncle and grandfather. He supposes he'll pay them a visit soon.

And with the heir of Slytherin matter, well, his followers will certainly hear about that...

Later that day, he strides through the corridors, patrolling them. His eagle like glare seeks out the students that might be hiding behind pillars and walls. He's already caught two of them tonight, pulling them out of a closet and asking if they were not familiar with the rules: No students out of bed.

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