- "Once a freak, always a freak..." -

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A/n  Hi Everyone, just wanted to let you know that this is the chapter for 3rd Year. 

Next chapter will be Hermione starting 5th Year and the story will continue normally.

The reason for this is that this is a romance fanfic. Sorry, but I cannot write a romance fic with 11 year olds. That's just cringe. 

As always, hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Dear Miss Granger, Please note that the new school year will begin on September the first. The Hogwarts Express will leave from King's Cross Station, platform nine and three-quarters, at eleven o'clock.

Third-years are permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade at certain weekends. Please give the enclosed permission form to your parent or guardian to sign.
A list of books for next year is contained within.
Yours sincerely,
Professor A. Dumbledore
Deputy Headmaster

Hermione reads through the letter in seconds, skimming the lines eagerly. Hogwarts. She'll return to Hogwarts. She breathes a sigh of relief as she leans back against the white wall of her room. A quick glance outside shows her nothing but gray clouds littering the sky and rain pouring from them. Richard and Jean must be downstairs then. She scowls at the thought of them. Stupid Muggles. Her parents.

Swiftly, she opens the oak door, out of her room, and runs hastily down the stairs, with light, feathery footsteps. She jumps the last two, and lands with grace on the dark brown floorboards. Through the archways, Hermione spies on Jean and Richard resting on the couch, arms around each other, smiling up at each other, their gazes locking firmly in place.

"Jean? Richard?" Hermione asks sweetly, holding the yellow parchment tightly in her willowy fingers. She's never called them Mum or Dad, not after her magic started showing. In a way, their unconditional fear of it opened her eyes to the world. In a queer way, its their fault she's a Slytherin.

Her parents break up, their stares snapping to Hermione, their eyes narrowing in fear. Her mother answers with a shaky nod, looking intensely at the letter Hermione clutches, with a pained expression. The letter which confirmed her daughter's freakishness. "I need you to sign this." Hermione demands, crossing her arms over her chest. Jean and Richard nod slowly, hesitating. With a cruel smirk Hermione adds, "School stuff." She knows their reaction.

Instantly, her parents pale, and she can see Richard shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "Of course." He gives her an anguished smile, his gaze flitting to his wife briefly, who turns away from Hermione, instead looking at the fireplace. The fireplace. Brick and old, decorated with photographs from when she was a toddler. Before her magic began showing. When her parents used to love her, not fear her.

Hermione stalks towards the couch and hands the permit to Richard. Jean cowers away from her, still avoiding her stare. "I want it back tomorrow. Understood?" Hermione orders, receiving a shaky movement of Richard's head in reply. "Good." He whispers. "Just one thing." He says, as Hermione spins on her heels and walks to the archway.


Richard glances around at his warmly furnished living room. "Please Hermione, please keep your... school things in your room. You know they distress Jean." He murmurs, his hand patting his wife's back. Hermione gives a smile in response, fleshing her teeth. "Of course." Is the sugar sweet reply, coated with a sort of sour icing.

Hermione bursts into a fit of giggles. They are humourless, full of bitterness. What has she done to deserve parents like this, who were afraid of every sound she emitted, gave in to her every whim? Hermione doesn't know. She probably never will.

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