Airplane ride

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We sat patiently on the black leather seats, holding crappy airport tea in our hands. I quickly looked at Jesse sitting beside me, who was eyeing every business man that passed his seat. The unclear voice over the intercom gathered us into a waiting line to board the plane.

"Does your tea taste like fucking dog shit also?"

I smiled at his comment and pinched his cheek in response.He flinched and struck an irritated face (he's not into cheek pinching). He scraped his teeth over his bottom lip while adjusting his favorite necklace.

As I scooted in between endless rows of airplane seats, Jesse managed to squeeze our suitcases in between other passengers bags and briefcases.His tattered muscle tee rose above his waist, exposing his flat and hard stomach. His frustration was increasing as he sat down, his body smooshed between armrests and a third seat beside him. He should've bought coffee instead. Someone is tired this morning.

"Ya good Jesse?"

"Yeah. Thanks babe. Do you know where my earbuds are? I swear to god I saw them a minute ago."

"Are you sure they aren't in the suitcase you stuffed above your head..?"

He whined and gave up. The phone in his hand was now placed in his back pocket, waiting to be listened to for later.

After an hour of teasing Jess and laughing at his cute jokes, the plane began to rock and move, Jesse now full of excitement and anticipation. The wheels lifted off the ground, making everything smaller and smaller by the second. His mouth was perched open and his eyes were squinting, staring out of the foggy window on my right side.

A smile was stitched upon his face for hours. We pointed out pretty clouds and giggled at each other's "attractive" faces.

Jesse stayed up this time. His raspy voice humming 'wires' in between long breaths.

Jesse Rutherford-cigs and toothpicksWhere stories live. Discover now