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"Babe, turn it off. If I hear this song one more time-"

The song "cool kids" has been playing for not even 5 seconds before I made Jesse turn it off. He then noticed that the song is annoying me, so of course he turns it up even louder, resulting in me taking his finger and placing it back on the steering wheel while his mouth is wide open; his head tilted to the head rest laughing silently.

Let's take a step back.

Jess has been very stressed out lately so I felt like we both needed a date night..or some other place for Jesse to make snapchat stories and take pictures of my back. He seemed excited to me. He had dibs on our favorite Pizza shop, so I agreed and dressed up for the occasion. I slipped in to my red dress that has been worn countless times. As I tried doing my hair as best as I could, Jesse twirled into the bathroom making a cute entrance and laced his fingers around my shoulders, also laughing at a dumb joke I thought was hysterical a week ago.

His fingers relaxed and traveled to my waist as his chin pressed against the side of my neck. His bored expression showed through the huge mirror we
We're standing in front of- passing a huge smile against my face.
"This is our song,huh?" He starts to rock my hips to the beat of the song that's coming through my phone connected to the charger.

I let out a little laugh knowing Jess is trying to be cute.

"Remember when this song was the shit?" I laughed at the thought that were dancing to horrible music, yet having the best time our life's .

I turned around to see what Jesse was wearing because I could see he was stressing over what shoes he should wear.
"Do I look okay ?"

"Oh my god yes. On point babe." I rolled my eyes pretending I was tired of Jesse, but in reality I could listen to Jesse talk for hours. Sometimes I felt as if Jesse and I had a competition on who's funnier- and he would always win. That kid is so goddam cocky.

I took a full on look to see what he was wearing. He decided to wear his skinny black tie and white button up; knowing he was trying to get me in his pants. Skinny black jeans and weird looking dress shoes was his forte , but I didn't even try to say anything about the shoes. He knows more about fashion than I do.

We did the casual lock up before leaving the house. I made him put his joints back into the drawer and he had me turn off our bedroom lights. We said good bye to the kitty and headed down the hallway towards the garage. I could hear him yell something, knowing he was probably making a snapchat.

Jesse opened the garage door wide open and twisted his neck to the side so he could turn off the last light that was on in our house. I guess I was starting to space off since he took so long trying to find his keys that he gave me a fruity look and placed his hand on his hips while he rose his eyebrows( 1 eyebrow. 1 tattooed) making me smile like an idiot and having to turn away since I was smiling so much I felt like a dork.

"Yo, we gotta go it's getting late."
He bit his lip and put his hand in his pockets searching for the car keys.

"Damn. Do you have the cars keys with you?.."

I can tell his face was waiting for my tired response. I felt stressed, knowing that we are already late. Now the keys are nowhere to be found. His tongue glossed his lower lip and I just sighed throwing my head back. He threw his arms on the front of his car and chuckled.

"Ok, I swear I know where they are. I'll be rights back-oh my god!" Jesse swung his arms back to his side and ran back to the door, slamming it, making me laugh and shake my head. He does this when he tries to act like a gentleman. He kind of screws up and makes bad jokes, but pinches your butt and kisses your neck also, and that for sure makes up for it.

He came back and closed the door quietly this time, twiddling a fresh toothpick between his parted lips. I stared at his hand to find the the 3 keys that Dangled on a key ring. He held them up to his face and forced a huge smile onto his lips. His eyes were squinting and his feet were rocking back and forth slowly.

"Thank god your found them." I tried to think if we had left anything on, since last time we forgot we left the flat iron on. We sat in one of our favorite restaurants talking about his family until I looked at him with an empty expression and told him quickly that we forgot to turn it off. The perfect couple, I know.

"Goingggggg to the pizza place with bitch-"Jesse tried to make a song about us and pizza but he couldn't find any words to rhyme, making him stop and turn on the radio.

I wiggled until my body was comfortable where it was and pressed my face up to the cold window watching the car leave the distant hills and billboards behind us.

"You look so cute today."

He took his eyes off the road to stare at my dress I was pulling unconsciously.
"Jesse stop!"
In was holding back my cheeks from blushing since my giggle was already was already almost out of my mouth. I bit my lip so hard it started to fade into a white.

"It's true though." He was quite for a moment.

"I'm lucky I get to take you out and watch you blush."
I was so embarrassed my cheeks were burning a crimson color and I could hardly take it.

"Well I'm lucky I get to listen to you make really bad jokes.." I tried to hide the fact I was blushing and tried to tease my way out of it but he knew I was embarrassed. I swallowed the lump in my throat and cleared my voice quietly telling him he's a jack ass but kept my cool by crossing my legs and fixing my hair.
I could feel Jesses eyes watching me from the corner of my view and I could see his finger making contact with my cheek to poke me softly. I let him this time since he made the butterflies feel like they're supposed to happen.

After minutes of searching for any parking spot where we could place the car, Jesse turned off the engine, ejected the keys, stretched his neck and wiggled his way out of the car to open the side of mine.

"Are you cold?" He asked. I pushed my shoulders against his arm as a hint to hold me.
" No it's fine." I laughed
He already started to take off his jacket before I even told him I was cold. He asked me a few more times before putting it back on and wrapping his arm around my neck.
Jesse reached for the door and held it with his foot giving me permission to walk in first. I stopped to fix my necklace inside until my attention was caught by him pinching my rosy warm cheeks still hot from the car.

" Aww poor baby is still blushing, huh?" His eyes we slivered and his mouthed formed a smirk showing more of his toothpick between his teeth. I began to open my mouth, trying to beg him to knock it off but I couldn't speak with chills down my spine as he told me
" I can't finish you off tonight if your going to be blushing in bed like that.."
This took a very long time since I felt like it was total shit but I TRIED!!PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK SHOULD HAPPEN NEXT BECAUSE I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO WRITE!!
Thank you for waiting💜 much appreciated

Jesse Rutherford-cigs and toothpicksWhere stories live. Discover now