Chapter 8

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I woke up after a 9-hour sleep, I get up and rub my eyes noticing I wasn't locked into the bed anymore. I look up to see everyone including a pissed Goji standing around me.

"Uhh, what are you guys doing?" I asked filled with confusion. "We are waiting for you to wake up, we gotta get going soon y'know?" Rachel stated quickly. "O-Oh yes," I said getting up as the others leave to let me change and get ready.

~5 Minutes and 2 potatoes later~

I walk outside with my bag and stuff. "Okay everyone here?" Charlie asked. "Yup!" We all shout back. "Okay now let's get going." He said leading us back to the camp. I walk behind all of them as Jacob then stops and waits for me and we walk together.

"What was that kiss for yesterday?" I asked curiously. "Wasn't it obvious? You like me, Blue. And I... D-Do too..." Jacob said chuckling. "I would like to go out with you someday... Of course only if you want!" He said.

"I would love to!" I wagged my tail rapidly at his question. He smiled as response and kept walking with me in the foggy and wet path. We walk for hours again until we finally make it back. "Man, I can't walk anymore. My legs are cramping..." I said almost whining.

"Stop crying like a kid Blue, and get back on your feet." Mickie practically was saying it up against my face. "Fine." I simply say getting back up on my feet.

"Now let's find our shelter again guys," Jacob said as we all make our way to our shelter and set our things in each our rooms. "So what are we gonna do today?" Jade asked leaning up against the wall. "Well, I wanna go to the city again. Maybe go have some fun there?" I asked.

"Hmm, we could but like what will we be doing there? We need to have something specific to do." Goji said as he looks around the shelter. "We could go to the cafe have some lunch and stuff?" I asked.

"Hmm sounds good. But we need money. Where are we gonna get that from?" Goji asked standing in front of me. "hmm Jade I think still has the money from last time we stole." I look over at her.

"Hmm I have a few but we will only be able to get a sandwich each and a drink," Jade said with a sigh. "Yeah, that sounds great!" the others said in a happy tone getting dressed up for the night.

"Well let's get going guys," Mickie said jumping outside. We follow him everyone going out the door at once as we get stuck between each other.

"MOVE YOU FATASS!" I yell to Goji. "SAYS THE GNOME!" He replied. We finally got out of that small situation of ours and kept walking.

"C'mon! We are gonna miss the bus!!" Mickie said as we all run inside the bus and take a seat. "Phew, we made it." I said with a sigh of relief.

I look out the window seeing as trees and grass were passing by. It was a quiet trip since more than just us were here. When we got to the city we all walk towards the cafe. It was not so far away. But we needed to cross the park. Cause if we didn't, we would have to take a 2-hour long walk.

When we got to the Café everyone started ordering. "A sandwich and a latte please," Mickie asks. "I want a cappuccino, please," Jacob asks. "I want a cup of green tea, please." Rachel said her tail swaying around the ground. And the rest got Another latte, Earl Grey Tea, etc.

We were all by a table drinking and eating our sandwiches. Mine was filled with Tuna and Salad. It was actually really good! "So what are you all planning when summer ends?" Rachel randomly asks.

"Well, I'm gonna start college soon. I just hope it will turn out good... And not like a whole mess..." I said with a shrug and then look at the others.

"Well, how about you guys?" I asked looking at Rachel. "Oh, well I might actually be moving. It isn't decided yet. But I may be moving to Hawaii. And there I wanna start a career in modeling. Hehe." She said with a happy look on her face.

"without me?!" Goji cries. "Nooo, darl. But if I do, I'll be texting and calling every day. Okay?" Goji nods to her reply.

"and You Mickie?". "I will be going to college too. Nothing else really." He said running around getting a cookie from his bag.

"And you Jacob?" Mickie asks. "Well, I have to start college too and I will start living alone. My parents send me here since they didn't like me. So when I get home to them, a week later when I start college I will be going to live on my own, I'll tell them goodbye and I never really wanna see them again." He said with a normal expression.

"Okay... And you J-" Before I could even finish the name she stops me. "I don't wanna talk about it." She said as I was allowed to speak again. "I-Uhh okay..." I flatten my ears.

"I really wanna go to a small club or something, like we used to do. At least in my school." I randomly said. "A club? Hmm, not a bad idea kiddo" Goji said calling me kiddo again... I wanted to hurt him sooo badly now...

"We could make our own club. At the camp. I don't think they will let us go to one." Jacob said in a soft tone. "Yeah, that place is fun. But also sucks." Jade said but when she said "fun" she was, of course, being sarcastic as hell.

"No, they wouldn't allow that to us either. Not here in the camp since it is a summer camp, not a Party Club." Rachel said. "Since well the adults hold parties but the kids can't. It's not allowed, shitty rules."

"I really hoped we could do something more fun before the summer ended..." I sigh. Then I look around and I saw Jacob, laughing. I knew what he meant and instantly burst out laughing. Not that loud but just enough for some to hear me.

"Well it is getting pretty late, shall we all get to bed? OH! We could maybe do a PJ party!" Rachel said, of course, being girly. "I don't really wa-" I was cut off by the others. "WE WOULD LOVE TO!" They all burst out.

"Grrrr... Fine." I sigh and get up going towards my shed and get a blanket and a pillow and stuff. Same with the others. I finish and walk outside, accompanied by Jacob.

We met up with the others and we waited as Rachel came and showed us what shelter we would be staying in. We walk towards an old shed. Gosh, it was filled with big and sticky spiderwebs. I realized it was the one near the lake.

We went inside. And sit in the middle of the shed. We lay down on the floor, when I was about to lay down I saw a spider crawling away rapidly. I screech as I stomp it dead. "Wow, the kiddo scared of spiders," Goji said, rolling his eyes.

"Grrr says shut up!!" I growled. "Guys please stop. That's just getting childish now." Jade said. "But!-"

"You replying to me?" She gave me a glare as it pierced right through my soul. "N-No ma'am..." I shake as I cover myself with my blanket. "Thought so." She simply said as she lays down to and listens to us all talking.

"Well we shall better be heading off to bed. I mean, it's 12:30 AM" Jacob yawned as he said it. "Yeah. Well, goodnight then everyone!" Mickie said as we all say goodnight and went to sleep.

"Hey... Blue." Jacob whispered to my ear. "Yeah?" I asked. "Let's sleep together.~" He cooed as I smiled and went into his sleeping bag and fell asleep with him hugging me and I did the same.

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