Chapter 5

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The next morning we were going to the Mountains YAY! I was so excited I already had my stuff packed, like the rest of my friends in the shed. We all walk towards the Big Shed.

"Okay, kids. Today we are going to the mountains every each of you has a group of your friends from your shed. And you will all be set at different places in the mountains." Charlie said. "Now let's get going!"

We start walking. We walk on a dusty and a little-wet path. We walked for about an hour and a half. My friends from my shed were gonna have a little camp right next to an edge that is 2000 meters down. Luckily there are fences to protect us from falling. A little further down there is a lake, that shines as bright as a diamond itself. I could feel the soft breeze of air pass through my fur.

"Hey Blue, snap out of it and get into the small sheds!" Jacob said. "Wanna share shed with me?" I wasn't expecting Jacob to ask me, I was filled with emotions I couldn't think straight!'

"Y-Yes!" I said with a bright smile on me and some stars filling my eyes. "then let's get our things packed out." he said walking with me to our little shed with 1 bed? Guess we had to share?. I throw my things on the bedside I chose. The shed wasn't that big so it was hard to walk inside it. We walk out towards the others who already were waiting outside.

"Hey, you two!" Mickie yells towards us while being on Jade's shoulder. "hey." I say holding myself far away from the edge cause I was so scared.

I look at Jacob. He somehow knew what I was saying to him, so he grabs my hand and calms me down. I smile gently at him being happy he was not gonna laugh at me from being scared.

We had bc set up a fireplace for tonight. We had Marshmallows, chocolate, cookies, warm chocolate and so on.

I thought to myself that this would be so fun. I look out to the horizon and see that the sun was setting. it looked beautiful if I should say so myself.

We get ready for the night to eat and maybe tell stories. I sit down around the Fireplace next to Jacob. Of course, I couldn't stop staring at his lovely and manly body.

He gives me a stick with 4 marshmallows. I look at him and smile taking it and thanking him with a hug.

He hugs me back with a smile. I was small against his big muscular body. He chuckled at me, and I chuckle back as I blush.

The fire was a little wild, but not enough to be able to hit us. I ate my marshmallows and felt sleepy after a while.

I slowly started to fade away and I fell asleep on Jacobs lap. I didn't feel it but Jacob slowly carry's me all the way to the shed and lays me on my bed while he was right under, to keep me company.

The others came in. Jade looking sad as she walks towards her bed.

I slept hugging my pillow tightly. Having some sweet dreams about me and Jacob together.

I wanted him... For myself... No one else should have him!!! Oh, shit now I sound crazy. I better not be creepy around him. I don't think he will like it. I'm just gonna be my normal me I'm not gonna go fangirl mode around him. That would be weird...

Jade at the bathroom looking at a "Missing" poster of a girl named Ruby. I didn't know who she was but I've seen a few of her pictures of her by checking Jades drawers....don't ask why, but that's how curious I am.

The next morning I woke up feeling great. I slept like a freaking stone. I get down from my bed, walking towards the bathroom.

I take off my clothes. Shirt, pants and so on. I had only my boxer on. I take those off as I turn on the water of the shower. I walk into the shower making all of my fur wet, I loved the feeling of water pouring down my fur to the tip of my tail.

I brush my fur with my hands filled with soap. I clean my fur and then take the soap off me. I get out of the shower taking my towel. But then suddenly, Jacob walks in. "AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i scream covering myself. "WOAH UMM SORRY" he holds his eyes blushing slightly. I blush too, but mine is more noticeable.

"S-Stop blushing Blue." he joked. "I came in to tell you that the food is ready soon," Jacob says with a warm smile. his blush and smile weren't that noticeable since he was covering his eyes and a bit of his face.

"S-Sure..." I say with a shaky voice of embarrassment. As he walks out I take my clothes and take some new ones on. It felt great being clean and all. I walk out of the bathroom, with my dry clothes and so on. Though my hair was still wet as hell.

"Eyyy you're awake Blue!" Mickie says cheerfully. "I was that for a long time now Mickie, but still thanks," I say giving him a big smile. He smiled back as we walked to get some breakfast. We made the breakfast at Jade's and Mickie's shed.

I walk in the shed, and see that Goji was cooking? I've never seen him do that before. He was making some pancakes and they smelled great! They had a smell of blueberries and banana. "Wow, it smells great Goji!" I say with stars and glimmering eyes. "Hmph, I guess..." Goji said kinda mean but he was always like that so I ignored it. I sit down next to the others ready for the pancakes. Goji sets the plates filled with around 50 pancakes on the table, we all took one and started putting on our toppings.

I loved the pancakes. I put strawberries and vanilla ice cream on with some chocolate syrup. Jade only are around half a pancake. She has been acting weird lately. I'm kinda worried...

Jade walks into her room to do, I don't know her stuff. I help Jacob and Goji to take the plates and stuff. I learned to clean from my uncle. He learned me a few tricks with my tail! I grab the plates with my tail and start washing them with soap. I take two other plates with my hands.

"Hey, how do you do that Blue?" Jacob asked me. "isn't that hard. My uncle showed me how to, I just don't know how to teach others to do it" I say with a small and soft smile. Jacob gives me a smile, I couldn't resist accidentally drooling over his sexy face.

I finish cleaning the walk with Jacob outside pulling him to our shed. As we enter we sit down on the bed. I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie or something. He agreed to a movie and i turn on a movie. He stops me and wants to watch "A quiet place." I never saw the movie so I agreed and we watch it.

Jacob watches as the furries don't talk in movie almost the whole movie they don't say a word, I was scared cause of the silence and then needing to be all quiet while the aliens pass by scratching the walls and growling and making their "howl" or something.

After we finish the movie. Jacob turns off the tv, I was already asleep hugging Jacobs body and curling my tail around his leg. He smiles and takes off his shirt, cause he sleeps without a shirt. He moves slowly to not wake me and covers me with the blankets and lets me hug him and the rest's his head on mine as he falls asleep.

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