Chapter 8

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We got back to Emerson and he took us back home, my hand was stuck on Balthazar's hand and it felt right, I felt like we had the kind of relationship that would set everything on fire with a kiss, in a weird way, you just know if intimacy with a person will be mind-blowing or dull, and yes, it is something that I keep thinking about due to the fluid desire that still floods through my veins. We got inside the house and Samael was waiting for us, he rushed us downstairs and didn't even made a comment about us holding hands. Once down in the garage he rushed to take everyone that helped set the office out, paying them what seemed to be hundreds of bucks. I crossed my arms and looked at Samael as he turned on a radio and did some clicks on the computer, seemed like the white house was under attack. We rushed to the middle of the garage and Balthazar said we needed to cross the middle for this, that he wouldn't let me go there alone, I agreed, not because I was afraid, but because I wanted him beside me. Next thing I know we're inside a huge room, each time it was easier to ignore the screams inside the middle, I find myself between a gun and the president. The element of surprise makes it easy to disarm the people pointing directly at us, when this one vanishes, people start threatening. The president is between me and Balthazar, he holds a firearm as well, I smile to the guys, it's funny how everyone wants a piece of the action as long as they're holding the big – piece of metal with projectiles fired by gunpowder – advantage.

"May I please talk to the person in command?" I ask, with a smile, to all the covered faces around us, some of them threatening us at gunpoint, all of them with big surprised eyes. They start to ask who I am, every time they try to walk towards me I point the gun in their direction.

"What the fuck is going on here?" a man walks in with his face covered, no gun on his hands, my first impression was that this was not the kind of person that would hurt anyone, but certainly the kind of person with enough money to pay someone else to do it for him. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lunatic, look man, I can't let you hurt the president."

"We're not going to hurt him, as long as he cooperates."

"You see... that sounds like a threat... that's not very nice of you."

"Get out of my way."

He takes a step forward and I shoot on the floor, near his feet. "I can't do that."

The man gasps and turns around for a moment, debating what he can do at this moment. Being at gunpoint makes me feel further to mortality than anything else in the world, I wonder if it has to do with the fact that I died once already, or for having an angel on my side. Death is to humans what a sensual woman is to a man, fear, and curiosity, they ask themselves if it represents an ending or a new beginning and the ones that actually defy it to find themselves provoking it and once you taunt it you should run from it, no woman is satisfiable once you give her what you think she wants, and so is death, play with it and she'll make all of you surrender to her.

"What do you intend here? You won't get out of here with him, we're everywhere."

"Let's be real here for a moment, you're everywhere inside this place, the windows are closed because you don't want them to see you from the outside, you're probably covering every secret entry they have to get here, but there is no way that you'll get out of here either if you kill the president, I'm your best hope to get what you want and get out of here, I don't know if you know this, but there's a person called 'designated survivor' waiting somewhere outside to take the presidents place, you think they care about one person when the state of the country is in danger? You guys could destroy everything from here. Now, you'll explain to me exactly why you're here and what you came to do, and we'll see what we can arrange so that your guys don't die and no one gets hurt."

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