A Different Past: Cynder

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The undead realm is a place of misery, ghosts flying around as skeletons walked the grounds. In a large, stone castle in the distance was the roar of a dragon, a big one at that. When expecting it closer, the walls were crumbling and seem like they would fall any minute, though they were strong due to who lived inside. A large dark dragon, king of the undead realm, as he liked to call himself. He glared heavily down at a smaller purple dragon at his feet, her head hung low to the ground.

"The more you fail the more you disappoint me." He growled, the small dragon was only about four at this time, she was small and fragile for being a dragon of the undead.

"I-Im sorry..." she said, tears in her eyes as she looked up at him.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. Training the next few days will have no breaks." He said sternly, her scales seemed to go pale as he spoke this.

"Y-You can't do that!" She yelled out, he opened his eyes again and lowered his head to her, making the guards around him cower.

"I'll do whatever I please, I don't have to keep you alive." He said, in a fast motion his paw slammed down on her, making her scream out in pain.

"I-I'm sorry Malfore..." She wheezed, tears streaming down her face.

"You better be, don't come back until training is complete." He growled, using his paw and throwing her across the room and outside the large set of open doors which closed once she was out of the throne room.

"Come on Cynder, lets get this over with." A Goliath drow said, she shakily stood and followed him to the training grounded where she received horrid training methods. Despite her aching wings, she flew and dodged each builder and arrow shot at her, only a few hitting her. Her body was weak as she finished, she was tired, something she hated was this place.


Cynder flew quietly through the castle, her scales had grown a much darker purple over the years of being trapped in this place. She was allowed to leave the undead realm on her quests Malfore would give her, she knew what she was doing was wrong yet she's gotten used to it at this point. She no longer felt guilt or sympathy for those she strikes fear into. She's grown as cold as the dragon who raised her, she was cruel. Something Malfore was proud of highly. She landed in the throne room, bowing her head before Malfore as he smiled wickedly at her.

"How was it?" He asked, she only raised her head and blankly stared at him with dull eyes.

"It went perfectly, just the way you asked." She answered, he chuckled in delight.

"Good, and how is Kaosandra?" He asked, she was an evil portal master he befriended a long time ago, he enjoyed her wickedness.

"She send you her highest apologies, she isn't able to come tomorrow but she will next week." Cynder answered, Malfore frowned.

"I was looking forward to it, oh well, you're dismissed." He said, waving his paw. Cynder turned and rose her wings, flying out of the throne room with a frown on her face, she didn't enjoy what her mission was. She met with Kaosandra to discuss an escape plan for Malfore, she didn't want that monster to leave the undead realm. She stumbled through the stairs, it was too narrow to fly and the stairs were beginning to crumble away. Her room happened to be far from Malfore, something she liked since she had some peace. Once she met her room and laid on her small nest of blankets, she closed her eyes and slowly fell to sleep.

Cynder was met with the familiar blue skies she loved, flying through clouds and smiling as she went. She enjoyed this feeling, feeling free. Desire everyone being afraid of her, she enjoyed being here, yet she soon came across a large white and blue castle. She wasn't familiar with this place, yet she approached it and blurred figures came into view as she landed in the castles courtyard.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you." A male voice spoke, she turned to see a green and gold figure approaching her.

"I've just been flying, what's up?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. She suddenly lost control on her body as it moved on its own.

"I was wondering if you were going on that mission with me." He said, mission?

"Of course, I can go if you'd like." She replied, but what mission? Who was this guy? Cynder opened her eyes as she growled out in frustration, wondering who that blur was and why it felt really. What was the mission he was talking about? She asked more questions like this as she left her room and the castle, flying through the sky of the undead realm.

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