Time Traitor

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The next few days have been less productive, besides traveling they ended up learning more about each other's pasts and what happened to them since. Spyro felt his was rather boring but good compared to the rest of them. Stealth Elf doesn't remember her parents or her real name, Cynder was stolen as an egg and Flameslinger's parents sold him to the drow. He was glad he had a happy past but he was upset for his friends who didn't. But his dreams show that they all live happy together, which is something he wants more than anything. He looked up at Kaosandra's castle as the slowly approached it from the distance, still a good ways from it.

"Maybe we should eat before we go and mess with the portal. Do we even have the magic items?" Spyro asked, all three turned to the archer who seemed to freeze on the spot.

"She has them there..." he mumbled, the others nodded.

"I can get wood, Flame can start the fire and Stealth Elf can cook." Cynder said, flashing the two a smile.

"I'll stay as a look out!" Spyro said, sitting on the ground as the others began to start with what they were given to do. Stealth Elf cook their favorite which happened to be the stew. Everyone eventually sat by the fire, eating the stew Stealth Elf has made for them.

"So, ever gonna take those off?" Cynder asked Flameslinger, gesturing to his bandages. He may take his hood off but he hasn't taken those off when he was around the others.

"I... I guess I can..." he said, though Stealth Elf instantly began to smile as he proceeded to take his jacket and shirt off to remove them. Spyro was happy he was comfortable enough to do that, he smiled as he looked at his second bowl of stew.

"Have you guys thought about what we should do when we get through the portal?" Spyro asked, Flameslinger shot him a look, he obviously didn't since he had a confused look.

"I haven't, when exactly do we go to?" Cynder asked, Flameslinger slipper his shirt on as Stealth Elf whined about it.

"Well... we could go back to when Kaos changed his mind." Stealth Elf said, Spyro nodded in agreement.

"One problem, we don't know when that was." Cynder said, Flameslinger sighed sadly until Spyro shot up.

"Master Eon said he hadn't build his home until five weeks before he found me, I know when that was so maybe if we go five weeks back before me, we'll find the trouble." Spyro said, the others stared at him before thinking and slowly agreeing with him.

"Knowing Kaos... he most likely struck at night, so sometime there..." Flameslinger said, Spyro took his word for it and they began to chat over their lives again. Until the stew was gone, they didn't move out to the castle until after each of them were full, this could be their last meal.



Luckily the halls were quiet and empty, the four were easily able to walk in there without being caught. Flameslinger held a worrisome face as he darted his eyes every which way. Though he didn't realize he was that tense until Stealth Elf grabbed his hand, causing him to relax. They walked quietly, until Flameslinger reached out to a locked door, opening it with a simple rune password, the rock like door slid open, the scraping sounds echoed through the hall behind them. The archer cringed as they walked down the large spiral stairwell, their steps echoing more.

The close they got the more he felt like this would work, luckily no one guarded this place since it was mostly off limits to others besides Kaosandra. Flameslinger opened a chest, revealing each magical item before everyone took them to open the portal. Once the portal was lit, the entire room began to light up, skeletons littering the place as well as cobwebs around the corners and ceilings. Spyro searched carefully though the picture like portal, until the small lanterns lit up, causing each of them to jump.

"Did you do that?" Stealth Elf asked the archer, he shook his head.

"Well well well, mother would me even more mad when she finds you here." A voice said behind him, they turned to see Kaos, the very evil they were trying to stop.

"Leave." Stealth Elf ordered, though Kaos paid no mind to them as he approached the archer.

"I've been dealing with her anger ever since you disappeared, now I'm going to take you back to her and she'll teach you a nice lesson!" Kaos yelled, a shark made of water aimed right at Flameslinger who swiftly dodged it, rubbing away from the others.

"Hurry up Spyro!" Cynder yelled, Flameslinger decided it was best to hold him off as Spyro searcher, he dodged each attack and let out some of his own. Spyro flipper widely through the portal, his eye widening a bit.

"I think I found it!" He yelled, ducking as Flameslinger suddenly flew over him and into the portal, Kaos yelled out in anger for losing the elf he was sent to find.

"We'll just have to hope now, let's go!" Stealth Elf yelled, pushing the dragons into the portal then entered it herself, the portal instantly closed behind them. Flameslinger looked around his surrounding, it was like a swirling vortex as he felt himself plummeting to the ground under him he just now saw, not a sound escaped from him as he gently landed, his surroundings coming into view. He looked at the dark sky, then around him. Not a single friend of his was in sight.

"Spyro?" He asked out, "Stealth Elf?" He asked our, "Cynder-" he went to asked until a bright flash of light came from behind him, the screams of his friends stopped before they landed on the ground swiftly. He watched them, the fear he had of losing them now gone since they were here now. What now?

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