Rescue Mission

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Stealth Elf:

Cynder has explained that last time she saw the fourth member, he was in Kaosandra's dungeon in bad condition. Stealth Elf has no idea why she felt upset and worried for him despite not even knowing him. Though what she's learned of him so far it a bit confusing to her. If he wasn't drow, then what exactly was he?

"Hey!" Spyro yelled, causing the elf to jump.

"What the hell was that for?!" She yelled back, the two stared at her for a moment.

"We've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes." Cynder said, Stealth Elf insanely felt bad.

"Oh, sorry. What's wrong?" She asked, Spyro pointed upwards where a large fortress was. It was darker here, why hadn't she noticed until now?

"We're here, I was thinking Spyro could stay out here with the stuff and you and I can sneak in." Cynder suggested, Spyro opened his mouth to protest until he shut it and nodded.

"But how can you sneak in exactly?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm, Cynder stared him dead in the eye as her body slowly turned into a shadow, taking the form of the elf next to him.

"That couldn't have been a better answer." Stealth elf exclaimed as she began laughing.

"Touché, I'll stay here, you guys hurry and bring him here." He said, Stealth Elf places the backpack on the ground as Cynder formed into herself once more.

"Hopefully he's the right one." Stealth elf mumbled as the two took off towards the same window from where Cynder snuck in before.

"This is where I snuck in at, I don't think you can fit between the bars..." Cynder whispered, Stealth Elf took ahold of the rusty bar and kicked the top end, causing it to break off. She continued with the others until she was able to get in.

"You lead the way." Stealth Elf said, Cynder nodded flying forward as the elf silently followed. Cynder stopped at a closed cell door before opening it, Stealth Elf's eyes widened as she peered inside to see who they were looking for on the ground. She slowly approaching him and bent down, barely even hovering a finger over him.

"He's in worse condition than last time I was here..." Cynder said, Stealth Elf looked around before an idea popped in her mind.

"Is there some possibility you can carry him to the window we came in at?" She asked, Cynder stared at her with wide eyes.

"We don't know if he'll even come with us! Plus he may be the wrong elf!" She whispered in a louder tone, Stealth Elf held a stern glare.

"We can just leave him like this either." She said, Cynder grumbled as she looked down at him.

"Fine, you're right." She said, guilt creeping in for wanting to leave him after he helped her. Though as soon as Stealth Elf touched him, he winced and whined.

"Don't touch..." he mumbled, catching the two of them by surprise. Was he awake the entire time?

"I'm sorry but we need to move you." Stealth Elf said, the elf before her slowly rose and sat in front of her, she cringed as she could hear the sounds of crunching.

"Good, we should get out of here before anyone sees us." Cynder said, growing frantic. She didn't like being here obviously.

"Will you go with us?" Stealth Elf asked, the elf nodded his head, or what she could see of it and slowly rose to his feet. Though instead he walked to the back wall and pressed a stone, causing it to fall backwards along with the rest of the wall. If it was that easy then why didn't he leave in the first place?



After they had rescued the elf, they found out that his ribs had been horribly crushed which caused him to feel weak. Though what surprised her was that he was still moving even with a broken rib cage. Stealth Elf had easily healed him due to her being of the life element, she often healed herself and injured animals in the forest she protected. The elf didn't speak much, though he refused to remove his hood and the bandages wrapped on his skin.

"I'm Cynder, do you remember me?" Cynder asked the elf, he nodded which made her smile.

"I'm Stealth Elf and this is Spyro." Stealth Elf said, the elf didn't move but instead he slowly held a thumbs up as if to say he understood.

"Do you have dreams about a white and blue castle? Blurred figures everywhere." Spyro asked, the elf instantly nodded.

"Okay, well we found out that the dreams are memories from another timeline. We believe a bald wizard messed with it and kept the castle, which is a school, from happening." Stealth Elf explained, Cynder watched patiently as they explained more to him.

"Kaos..." he mumbled, the two stopped talking amongst each other before looking at him.

"Kaos? Who's that?" Spyro asked, the elf pointed behind him.

"Kaosandra's son..." he answered, they stared at him with confusion for a moment.

"Okay so an evil son. What could that mean?" Stealth Elf asked, Spyro and her instantly began talking.

"Hey, I never caught your name." Cynder said to him, he turned his head towards her before fumbling over his mumbles.

".....Flameslinger....." was all she got out of his mumbles.

"Well Flameslinger, thanks for helping me." She said, he looked as if he wanted to smile but couldn't, instead he only turned his head and never spoke again for the rest of the night. Though that night, he didn't sleep in the tent, neither did she, the other two slept peacefully as Cynder poked at the fire, glancing at the elf sleeping in the tree every once in a while. She wondered if he got in trouble for helping her, since he worked for the evil mistress. She sighed sadly before laying down, closing her eyes and slowly falling asleep.

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