Telltale Dreams

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Stealth Elf:

The more the two explained their dreams, the more Master Eon was shocked.  Though he had no idea what to become of them, some things he found interesting is that they were linked together in their dreams, which must be the same for whoever the other two were, though Master Eon didn't seem upset until something Spyro mentions.

"I wasn't building a home, I was building a place where heroes could form together to protect Skylands from evil and the darkness!" He exclaimed, balling his fists until his knuckles turned white.

"We aren't sure why things turned out this way..." Stealth Elf said, Master Eon moved his hand up and began stroking his beard.

"Have you found out anything about the other two?" He asked, the two shook their heads.

"The purple one must be a dragon and the other is obviously an elf." Spyro said, Stealth Elf nodded to agree.

"Though I've never seen another elf in my life, then again I guess a Skylander could be anything." She said, going into her thoughts again.

"Well I believe someone or something tampered with time, changing my mind about the academy to get rid of them. My best bet is an evil portal master, but why haven't they done anything at this point?" He asked out loud, the other two realized this as well, the dreams were from another timeline that didn't happen. Stealth Elf was beyond confused, wondering what all this came to be.

"We should look more into it before something bad does happen, right?" Spyro asked, Master Eon nodded.

"You should, try finding the other two from the group first, the more the merrier." He said, the two agreed to leave that night, camping gear in tow. They had traveled a great distance past Stealth Elf's home before deciding to camp, though neither of them argued about sharing the large tent they had, since they trusted each other enough.

"So, who do you think they are?" Spyro asked as she continued to cook meat over the fire.

"Beats me. But I feel like they're majorly different than us." She replied, Spyro sighed and shifted before laying across the ground.

"Perhaps, but I think they have the dreams too." He said, looking up into the sky.

"If we have them then maybe they have them. I could be wrong though." Stealth Elf added, Spyro sat up as she gave him his cooked food.

"I wonder if our dreams would tell us more about them." He said as he finished his food, yawning loudly.

"I hope so." Stealth Elf said, Spyro stood and turned.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight Stealth Elf." He said as he crawled lazily into bed once he entered the tent. Stealth Elf's ears lowered, thinking back to her last dream. It revealed more about the elf who seemed witty and childish, yet in serious times he was mature and got things done. She smiled at the thought of him, wondering who he could be now since the academy never happened, who was he now?



More dreams have occurred since she left the undead realm, then they seemed to make more sense once she met that man in the long jacket. She knew he had left food for her for about two weeks until he suddenly stopped, she didn't sense him around at all which made her worry. After all, he must work for Kaosandra, though he wasn't like any other drow she's seen. After deciding to investigate, she made her way to Kaosandra's castle that night, with his shyness it was likely he unwillingly worked for her. So he must be somewhere in the dungeon. She formed into a shadow and snuck through the bars of a window into the hall of the basement where the dungeon was. 

Cynder listener out for guards as she slowly walked through the dungeon, which seemed mostly empty. She wondered why that was. The more she walked, the more tighter the knot in her stomach became. Her eyes widened as she smelled the faint scent of blood mixed with the cloaked boy's scent. She paid no mind to anything as she ran in the direction, the smell getting stronger as she came up to a closed cell door, her fear coming true as she saw the... elf in the cell. She knew he was an elf, but she wasn't sure since he was so well hidden. She carefully unlocked the door, entering, her heart almost shattering at the sounds of his faint sobs.

"Hey..." She let out in a soft tone, causing him to jerk and groan in pain. "Don't move, you're..." she stopped her words, he wasn't cut, yet blood seemed to spill from his mouth. Eternal bleeding.

"G-Go..." He wheezed, she furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at him.

"I'm not leaving you like this!" She exclaimed, he coughed loudly for a moment.

"Please go..." was all he managed to get out, then the heat rose up and she had to leave. She ran down the hall until it was cool, panting before turning into a shadow before leaving again, making her way back to her cabin until she saw a campsite with a dragon and an elf, making her stop as she examined them until they retreated to the tent. Why did they seem familiar? She shook her head as the visual of the elf's condition flooded her mind again, she gritted her teeth before flying to her cabin. How could someone so nice be in a place like that? She continued to as herself these questions, though the other two popped up in her mind again as she kept going. Eventually it became too much and she retreated to fall asleep.

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