Chapter 15

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Alex's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring. Just as I was about to slam the annoying sound shut, I remembered that Dyl was picking me up. I couldn't sleep last night. The night kept on replaying and I was smiling like an idiot in the dark.

I jump right up and run in the shower. I do my business in record time and go to my cupboard to see what to wear. I look at the clothes in front of me and mumble "I have no clothes." Shuffling through my clothes I decided on a cute but not overly cute outfit, I pick out a pink sweater and black jeans. On the sweater, it says, "Shut up."

I decided to put my hair in a side plait and pull out a couple of stands to give my face some shape. Grabbing the perfume that was closest to me I spray it without looking. A glance towards the clock and I am in panic mode since it is 7:30 am. 


I rush downstairs and see my whole family there. This is one of the rare situations where we all eat breakfast together because usually, Nick is sleeping, Mum or Dad have left and only one of them stays. "Hey, guys," I say and take a seat next to my dad.

I kiss him on the cheeks and see my mum has made scrambled eggs. Yum. I grab a few pieces of bread and dig in. It's so good. I enjoy breakfast with my family and talk about school to them. I haven't told them about the Instagram post because I know they are going to worry and this would cause way too many problems. I look at the time and my eyes widen when I see the time. 

7:47 am.


I run upstairs, grab my flats, spray perfume again, grab my bag and see my phone light up. I look in the mirror and decide to add Vaseline to my lips to give it some moisture and run back downstairs.

My family is just staring at me wondering why I am running like a madwoman. I give them a sheepish smile and say, "My rides here. Bye."

"Ride? Is it Dylan again?" My brother grits out.

"Who's Dylan?" That was my dad.

My mouth has a mind of its own and starts running before I can think. "Nick I don't see why you have a problem with Dyl but to your question yes it is him. Thanks for ruining my mood dickhead." I defended Dyl in a heartbeat and glared at Nick Why couldn't he let do my own thing once? 

I huff in annoyance and storm out of my house. I see Dyl in his car waiting for me. By seeing him my heart fluttered but my anger not subsiding. I get in the car and before he can say anything I say, "Just drive."

He looks confused and I know he has a lot of questions running in his mind but without questioning, he drives off. The silence was deafening and I had to break it before I went insane.

"I hate my brother." I sigh. He is always trying to interfere within my life and its so damn annoying because he doesn't let be independent. 

He places his hand on my thigh and I instantly relax. "Cupcake, it's fine." He says softly.

"No, it's not. He is always probing in my life and wants to know EVERYTHING I do. I feel like a robot." I say whilst looking at my fingers.

"He's just looking out for you." He says.

I know he is correct but I hate the fact he doesn't loosen up around me.

I sigh in response and see the car come to a stop. I look up and see that we are parked a few roads down the school.

"Dyl why are we he-." I am cut off when a pair of lips are on mine. I instantly kissed him back and it feels like yesterday all over again.

Our kiss is cut short due to me losing breath and I have to pull away. I look at Dyl and he isn't panting like me. 

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