Chapter 19

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Alex's POV

I walk into the house and the awkwardness could be smelt. I take my shoes off and go into the living room and see my parents and Nick sitting in silence. My mum looks like she has been crying.

"Hi?" I say trying to fill in the silence. Their heads snap to me and I get a Deja vu of when this happened last time.

"Take a seat, Alex." My dad said tiredly.

I sit down on the couch opposite Nick. All I wanted to do was snuggle next to him and feel protected. I miss my brother.

"I have to tell you something. Please stay calm." My dad says freaking me out. I nod in response and let him carry on.

"A couple of years after your mum and I had Nick, we got into a massive fight and we broke things off that night. We were engaged at the time. For a week we didn't contact each other. I slept with this girl called Cassidy to take my mind off things but I couldn't. A few days after this your mum and I got back together. Turns out Cassidy became pregnant but she didn't tell me and moved away before anything could come out. She gave birth to a baby girl. " My dad sighs and carries on, "They are moving here. That means we are going to be seeing her daughter more often. Her name is Hope. They are on their way to meet us today." My dad looks at me for my reaction.

I am honestly so overwhelmed today. First Dyl with that girl and now my dad dropping I have a half-sister. I look at Nick and he looks happy? Is he happy that he will have another sister?

"Call me when they are here." I walk to my room and shut the door behind me. I was exhausted for any more drama. 

I sit on my bed and stare into space. I told you my life should be a drama soap. I sigh for the umpteenth time and lie and stare at the ceiling. Somewhere in staring my eyes drooped and I fell asleep.

An hour later

"Alex, wake up. They're here." I groan and cuddle into myself. I hear a feminine chuckle and someone shaking my shoulder. "Wake up honey." I open my eyes and see my mum staring at me.

"Come downstairs, they're here." I nod and get up. My mum walks out and I go to my mirror. My hair is in a birds nest so I brush all the tangles out. I see my hair is presentable and I walk downstairs.

I reach downstairs and my dad and Nick sat with two females whose backs were towards me. I walk and make myself visible. The two unknown faces look at me and I do a double-take.

The girl is gorgeous. And her mum even more.

"Cass, Hope, meet my daughter Alexandra." I smile at them and see Cassidy get up. She pulls me in for a hug which leaves me surprised. I hug her back and then pull away.

"Oh Alexandra, it's so nice to meet you. You're so pretty." I could sense a little force in her words.

"Nice to meet you too." I nod in response.

"Alex meet Hope. She is a year older than you." Hope was gorgeous. She had beautiful blonde hair which she got off her mum. Her hair went until her breasts and it was dead straight. She had blue eyes and a button nose. Her lips were the right size. Standing next to her I looked like an ugly potato.

If Dyl saw her he would swoon so easily.

Why am I even thinking about him?

I decide to hug her since she obviously meant a lot to my dad. She got up as well and I slightly opened my arms to welcome her but she ignored them and stuck her hand to shake instead. The awkwardness in the air could be smelt down the road. I shake her hand sloppily and drop my hand back down to my side. 

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