Chapter 25

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Alex's POV

Nick closes the door behind me and I pull him into a hug. Surprised by my sudden action he staggers a little but hugs me back nonetheless.

"I forgive you. You are my brother and I want nothing more than to have you in my life like before. These past months I have craved your hugs and this comfort. I am sorry I took so long in forgiving you." I say in the hug.

"Alex I love you and what I did was wrong. I hated myself after everything that happened. I should have never called you attention seeking whore. I wanted nothing but your forgiveness and for things to go back to normal." He strokes my hair and we stay in the hug for a couple of minutes.

"Wait? Why are you home early?" Nick asks out of curiosity.

"You were right. Dylan was never the one for me." I say quietly and pull away from the hug.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Let's sit down. It's a long story." I sigh and we go to the sofa.


"That son of a bitch. I will hunt him down and kill him." Nick seethes of anger.

"No violence. I am going to be the bigger person and not give him any more of a reaction than I have already given. I will go to school tomorrow and act like he doesn't exist." I tell my brother.

I told him about the dare, how we had sex, him humiliating me, me having a panic attack and how Axel bought me home. I didn't tell him about Jake though. If I did I am sure he would commit murder.

"Is that everything? I hope you are telling everything." Nick says and gives me a pointed look.

"That's everything?" I try and say as a statement but it comes out as a question with my voice getting an octave higher.

"Alex..." He says knowing that I haven't told him everything.

"Promise not to do anything rash. By that, I mean no violence. No contacting this person." I say and hold out my pinkie.

He rolls his eyes but still puts his pinky in mine and says, "Fine, I promise"

I sigh and say, "I was nearly raped." In a quiet voice.

"WHAT!!!!" Ladies and Gentlemen, the reason why I didn't want to tell him.


We spent the next hour catching up everything. I told him about Jake, Shanaya and me cutting. To say he was livid was an understatement. He was more angry at himself for not being able to help me more than he was with everyone.

"How did I not notice? You were in so much pain and all I did was add fuel to the fire." He shakes his head in disappointment.

"Hey, it's not your fault. I guess I was good at hiding everything." I shrug.

"You should never have to hide anything from me." He says quietly.

I nod in response and cuddle next to him. We watch the rest of the movie in utter silence and it felt so peaceful.


Tuesday Morning - 7:40 am

Yesterday was great. Nick and I went bowling and then grabbed the ice cream. It was like old times all over again. Mum and dad came back too and they were worried like shit. I told them I was okay and then told them the whole story but a smaller version. My dad wanted to kill him. Why do all the guys in my life want to kill Dyl? I still love him.

Maybe everything for him was fake and just for a dare, but for me, he was and still is my first love. I don't think I will love someone the same as Dyl. I feel my eyes go numb but I shake my head and get rid of the tears. I look up at the mirror and nod at my appearance.

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