Our Fight-Part 2

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"Tell me Octoling, what is your purpose of fighting me? Do you really think you can defeat me?" Agent 3's weight on my chest tightened. I gasped for air, I couldn't breath for crying out loud!

"I've beaten majority of your kind, what makes you think that you can beat me?" This inkling was pretty cocky, but I was on the ground while she was holding her gun at me, claiming her victory. She stood above me, she wore her hero suit, she wasn't smiling.

"...please...I...just..." she pressed her foot harder. I gasped, I put my weak arms on her legs, gripping them. It did no use.

"You what Octoling? You really think I'll let you go? You think that you're gonna run around free?? Threatening all of us?"

Everything was starting to blur out. I must convince her...it's my only chance...!

With the ounce in my breath, I did my best to plead to her.

"....the song...calamari...echoed through...my....soul...I...see...the light....the freedom....please....I...want...to start...new...."

She pressed her foot harder, making me grunt.

No...she's going to end me...

I felt so tired, so sleepy. My eyes slowly began to close. My arms let go of her foot, landing hard on the ground. I just want it to end...

I felt the weight of her foot loosened on my chest. It became easier to breath again. The world I knew slowly started to fade....

Everything turned black.

Jenesee's POV:

The Octoling slowly passed out. I examined him. He looked different from the other Octolings I've ever encountered. I must admit, he did put up a fight. I backed away from him, letting him catch his breath. He looked so peaceful and he didn't look harmless. He was the very first male Octoling I've ever seen too. Majority were females and evil.

I flash-backed our fight. He was strong and clever. I was given these new specials by Sheldon, he wanted me to try them out before he started to sell them in public in Inkopolis Plaza. They were very powerful, somehow this Octoling survived. I looked back at his octo shot, picked it up and placed it next to him.

I paused wether I should take him with me or not.

I can't just leave him there...

I sighed and returned to the passed out octarian. I picked him up, placing him on my shoulder. As I walked, the ground began to shake.

"Wh-what the heck?!" Before I knew it, the ground shook so hard, it sent me flying. The Octoling got separated from my arms, the square arena split in two, causing us both to fall.

"Ah!" I shrieked as I kept falling. My UFO caught me on time. I looked over, I didn't see the Octoling anywhere in sight.

No...he's probably dead....the ground is so deep...who knows how far he went...

My UFO took me above the surface. My head was still thinking about that boy. I couldn't believe he's gone...poor guy...

I still had a feeling in me that he was still alive. I should've checked longer...

I decided to go back but then I heard Agent 2's voice from the distance.

"Agent 3! Thank god you're okay! What happened down there?? Didn't you defeat Octavio already??" Agent 2 came running towards me, checking head to toe making sure I had no injuries.

"I'm fine, I was battling an Octoling that's all, I was gonna go back and get him..."

Agent 2 looked stunned. "What? Agent 3 you know all Octolings are evil.."

"I know, but this one...there was something different about him..." Agent 2 just shook her head.

"Oh Agent 3 you had a pretty rough day, c'mon let me fix you up some tea, Cap'n Cuddlefish and Agent 1 are probably waiting for you."

She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away.

"But..." I started to protest.

"No but's! You need to rest!"

I glanced back at the kettle. Surely he's gone by now...he's dead...there's no way he survived that...

Damian's POV: My vision was weak. I saw an Octoling girl, standing above me. It was a blur at first, but soon started to focus. She looked concerned. She was saying something, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. My weak eyes scanned where I was. It looked like a bunch of rocks, near a water fall. I believed that I was still underground. I felt my eyes starting to close again....

I'm just so damn tired....

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