Draft story

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guys this is a draft, i have a few that i did before last year and never finished them. i doubt i'll ever continue them. i'll have you guys read them and let your imagination flow :3.

Agent 3 never liked to be near Agent 8. He never liked his presence to begin with, not because he was an Octoling, but he always had strange feelings around him. He did not like it. It made him feel weird. He stayed away from the Octoling, making sure he wouldn't get close to him.

Our Octoling was aware of this and he was deeply saddened by the fact that the Inkling didn't want anything to do with him. He doesn't like me because I'm an Octoling... he would always think. His closest friend, Sofia who was also Agent 4 would comfort him, trying to convince to not yworry about Agent 3 and his isolation.

Thus however he wasn't really convinced. Knowing that there was nothing he could do it about, he continued his life above the surface trying to forget all about this ignorant inkling.

Sofia hated how Agent 3 was treating him. The next time she met up with him, she was either going to work things out with him and figure out what's going on or give Agent 3 a piece of her mind.


It was a lovely day, the sun was high and bright, birds were chirping, and of course Inkopolis Square was alive with all the inklings and Octolings with their turf war matches. Sofia had gone out to Octo Canyon, for a mission. She was meeting up with Agent 3. It wasn't much though, they were only going to investigate and observe the Octarians. Agents 1 and 2 believed that there were more Octolings that wanted to be freed and that they should search for them.

As they waited, Sofia decided to ask Agent 3 about the situation.

"Agent 3?"

"Yes Agent 4?"

"Why are you being so ignorant towards Jaxson?"

"Who's Jaxson?"

"Agent 8...you know the Octoling..?"

Agent 3 stayed silent. He felt his cheeks blushing. He hid his face under his hero suit. He had no answer.


"Agent 4, let's just focus on the mission please..." he said with a sigh.

"Don't tell me you don't like him because he's an Octoling..."

"No...it's not that..."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I don't know how to explain..."

Sofia frowned. "You have no explanation for this?? C'mon Agent 3! The poor guy thinks you hate him!"

Agent 3 was stunned. "H-hate him? I don't hate him, I would never...he saved my life!"

"Then why you ignoring him??" Sofia said crossing her arms and waited for a response.

"I-uh well...I just don't like this feeling whenever I'm around him..."

Sofia blinked. "What do you mean?"

Agent 3 sighed and pinched the tip of the nose.

"What I mean is-"

"Agent 3? Agent 4? You guys can come back now, seems like there's nothing here."

Dammit Agent 1! Sofia thought. "On our way!" She said replying. Agent 3 felt relieved. She'll ask me later...


Agent 3 and Sofia walked around Inkopolis Square, trying to find something to do.
Hmmm...Kyle said he had this strange feeling around Jaxson...could that mean...oh my god I Better find out....

"So, what were ya going to tell me?" He better give me answers.

Kyle jumped at Sofia's question. Dang it! Kids these days..

"About...?" Kyle tried to sound clueless. Maybe she'll stop-


Kyle blushed, covering his face. "S-Sofia...! I never said I had feelings..."

Sofia facepalmed. "You said that you get this weird feeling around him." She noticed Kyle's blushing face, causing her to gasp.

"So you do like him!" She started to squeal and fangirl around Kyle. He covered his face more with embarrassment. "Sofia cut it out! You're bringing attention!" Sofia grabbed Kyle's hand, she whispered to him saying: "Tell me everything!" Kyle just shook his head in embarrassment. Sofia led Kyle to a corner, making sure no one was there.

"Alright, spill!"

With a sigh, Kyle told Sofia. "Fine...I guess I'll tell you. The reason why I don't get close to him...is because I have feelings I guess...and I'm afraid to get rejected..." Kyle nervously twirled his finger on his shirt.

Sofia nodded. "I see...how and when did you start liking him?"

"It was when I met him, I thought he was pretty cute and when he was doing all of his missions, I...dunno...saw how brave he was...so determined...I never got the chance to speak with him since well my mind was hijacked...and it felt awkward riding home with Pearl and Marina...I was just nervous...he was so quiet and I felt so bad..."

-end of draft-

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