Pressured By Chris

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*Airi's POV*

It's been 4 days since the whole break up and I've been trying to do better.

Even though I want to go out at times I just don't get the energy to do it so I've been staying home.

Queen and some of my others friends and close ones have checked up on me to make sure i'm ok which I appreciate.

Right now I just woke up and got dressed I think I'll finally go out today.

I might go to the mall or something just to clear my head and stuff.

I ate breakfast then changed to some comfortable clothes which were, a normal T-shirt with some leggings and my Nike Air force 1's.

I barely put on makeup since I really didn't care about what I looked like.

After I was done I got my keys and purse and went outside to my driveway.

Right when I opened my car door I saw Chris's car pull up to my house.

I looked over then put my purse in the car.

"Aye Airi I need your help" Chris said as he got off the car.

"I can't, I got things to do" I said knowing I was not up to do anything else today.

"No Airi I'm serious please come to my house I really need you right now"

I looked at Chris and rolled my eyes.

"Is it that important Chris? because I really don't have the energy for this"

"It's important" he said as he got back in his car.

"Ughh whatever lets go!" I yelled as I got in my car and followed him.

Once we pulled up to his house I saw Tray's car in the driveway and I instantly regretted it.

"Come on" Chris said as he walked towards my car which was right outside his house.

"Chris i'm not, sorry but if it has to do with him i'm not here for that" I said as I looked away.

"No! don't leave" Chris said as he opened the door.

"This is why you told me to come here?"

"Come inside please" Chris said as I got off the car.

"I swear Chris this better be important, you know I don't want to see him"

Chris just walked to the front door as I followed behind him.

He opened the door and let me in first.

"Look I know you're the only one that can help so just don't hate me for this"

I looked at him confused as he started going downstairs.

"Come on" He said as he waited for me.

I followed him downstairs.

We went down this hall I didn't even know this house had until we got to a room?

"Here, now please help me get him out of there" Chris said as I looked at him like 'really'...

"You really couldn't do this yourself?" I whispered.

"Nooo you don't get it, this man hasn't left this room since he got here I don't even know what he's been eating or if he's even there anymore I tried opening the door the other day but I couldn't even find the key for it so I guess it's also in there with him"

I was so confused Chris just looked at me expecting me to break the door or something just to get him out.

"I hate you" I whispered as he just smiled knowing I obviously was just mad.

"What am I even supposed to do?" I asked as I just kept looking at the door.

"I don't know let him know you're here"

"Chris I don't think this is a good idea" I said as I started backing up.

Chris grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Don't, you're already here so come on call his name or some shit"

"I want to smack you so bad right now" I said as I held my hand up.

Chris moved away quick af.

"Here goes nothing" I whispered as I stood in front of the door.

It took me some time to speak just because I wasn't ready to talk to him in general, like what if he answers? what am I supposed to say?... Oh hi Tray i'm here because Chris pretty much begged me to get you out of here..

"Any time now, just yell out his name" Chris said as he stood behind me.

"Nigga why don't you scream his name" I said looking back.

"He won't come out he obviously knows it's me"

"Ok same shit with me then he won't come out" I whispered.

"He will trust me, or at least I think he will"

"Tray!?" I yelled as I scared Chris.

"Damn warn me next time" He said as he laughed.

"Shut up that's what you get for bringing me here"

We waited about 5 minutes and we didn't hear nothing.

"See I can't help, Bye" I said as I walked away.

"Airi! stop" Chris yelled my name extra loud as my eyes got wide.

"Really" I said as I tilted my head to the side.

"YES AIRI JUST WAIT" Chris yelled again getting close to the door.

We then saw the door open but no one came out.

"Tray!" Chris yelled as he went in the room.

Not even 3 seconds later he came out looking at me with wide eyes.

"What??" I asked worried.

"Dude he's..." Chris said not even finishing his sentence.

"What! Chris wtf happened"

"Go look" He said as he moved away.

I looked at him and shacked my head.

"No I mean he's in there right?" I asked as my heart started beating faster.

Chris just nodded.

"Fuck..ok..hold on give me 2 seconds" I said as i turned around and just thought about it.

I mean it can't be bad.. I won't cry

I'll try not to.

Ughh my dumbass is going to cry I know it.


"Alright stay out here please" I said as I walked towards the room.

I went inside and the room was completely dark.

I could barely see anything.

That was until I looked over to my right.....

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