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Katherine stretched her arms out and groaned. "Do I seriously have to do this?" She had skipped her gym block — something she was all too happy to do — so Lydia could make her look extra 'hot'.

"Yes, now quit whining and get yourself a boyfriend," Lydia answered immediately. She gently smacked Katherine's back as she ushered her forwards.

The bell rang, and she stood on the stairs. She could see Liam walking with his friend — his name was Mason — and let out a small sigh.

Show time.

She strutted in his direction and held her books loosely in her arms. Katherine knew there were a lot of people staring at her, and she smirked. While she was working purely on fake confidence, it felt nice. She felt powerful.

Liam wasn't paying attention as he spoke to his friend, and Katherine slammed into his shoulder.

Accidentally, of course.

Her textbooks fell to the floor and she let out a fake yelp as she fell with them. "Oh my god are you okay? I'm so sorry," Katherine fake apologized. She wasn't sorry, and she hoped it hurt.

"No, err, it's fine," Liam answered awkwardly. Katherine nodded and knelt to the ground to pick up her books. She was surprised when he bent down and helped her. "Are you okay?" He asked her as they stood up.

Katherine flipped her hair over her shoulder — just as Lydia had taught her — and shot him a dazzling smile. "Yeah I'm alright, are you sure I didn't hurt you?"

Liam blinked, looked at Mason, who was just as shocked, then nodded. "Yeah."

"Oh shoot I have a question to ask you," Katherine slapped her forehead as she pretended to remember. "You like parties, right?" Liam nodded wordlessly, his eyes still wide. "Alright, well, would you like to come to one?"

"Um, sure," Liam answered after clearing his throat.

Katherine flashed him another smile. "Great. You know where Lydia Martin lives, right? Oh wait you can't drive — I'm getting a ride with a friend, we'll pick you up. Here's my number, text me when you're ready." Katherine shot him a wink, then strutted down the hall. Her hips swayed with each step she took.

She noticed Scott and Stiles watching her from down the hall, and shot them a glare. You so owe me, she mouthed, scowling slightly. Scott nodded and pretended to bow down to her. Katherine grinned at him, flipped her hair over her shoulder, and continued on her way to class.


"It's Lydia Martin's lakehouse," Kira answered Liam's question. "Well, it's her grandmothers lakehouse, but she's dead, so it's okay." Her eyes widened. "I mean, it's not okay she's dead. Well, unless she was in pain." Kira smiled awkwardly.

Katherine leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest from where she sat in the back seat. "Well, Lydia is going to have to do a lot of cleaning after this," she commented sarcastically. Then she winced and held a hand to her side.

"You alright?" Kira asked worriedly.

Katherine nodded slowly, pursing her lips to mask the pain. "I'm good," she grimaced. "Just my side hurts. I just need to take some Tylenol before everything goes crazy."

Liam twisted in his seat to look at her, pain evident on his face. "Did I break your ribs? I'm so sorry. I panicked."

"You just gave me a great big nasty bruise," Katherine muttered. "Besides, it's not your fault. I'm blaming the idiots, and they're cool with it."

Liam nodded slowly as he turned around, then covered his ears with his hands. "Could you turn the music down. Please?"

Kira reached forwards and shut it off, her brows furrowing. Kira rambled at him, and Katherine sighed. She watched Liam closely. He was jumping at everything; at noises neither her nor Kira could hear.

Just like Scott.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent him a quick text.

Kat: Almost there. He's showing the signs. Be ready.

"Who'd you say was coming to this party?" Liam asked softly. He sounded out of breath.

"Um, everyone," Kira answered. She looked up at Katherine in the rear view mirror pleadingly. She received a nod.

"But it's mostly from the older grades," Katherine added. "The people in their grade and all that." She pointed at Kira as she spoke.

Katherine's phone dinged with Scott's response, and Liam cringed.

Scott: Be careful. He's more dangerous then I thought he was.

"Oh great," Katherine muttered. She looked up and noticed Liam breathing heavily, glaring out the window. She hastily typed another message.

Kat: Yeah I got that part.

Kat: I'm pretty sure he did hit me with a chair once.

"Everything alright?" Kira asked, masking her panic well.

"Yeah," Katherine nodded casually. She met Kira's eyes in the mirror and discretely shook her head. "Scott's just being an idiot like usual."

"Alright," Kira nodded and parked the car behind Stiles' jeep.

Katherine smiled at the sight of it and climbed out of the car. "I'm just going to grab my jacket from the trunk, I'll meet you in there," she called.

Translation; I'll wait out here for a couple minutes just in case he tries to run.

"Alrighty," Kira smiled. She ushered Liam in the house. He turned to look at her in confusion, but Katherine just smiled at him and opened the trunk.

As the front door closed, Katherine grabbed a black leather jacket — Chris had let her go through Allison's clothes and take what she wanted, so Katherine took the things her best friend wore the most — and slid it over her shoulders.

She grabbed her baseball bat that had been hidden beneath it, and held it tightly in her hands. She knew it wouldn't be able to stop Liam, but it would slow him down long enough for Scott and Malia to get a hold of him.

Katherine couldn't hear anything going on inside, and she knew that was a good thing. No one was fighting. It was quiet outside, and a soft breeze blew through the air, but it was nice. And as Katherine crossed her arms over her chest, the warmth of the jacket, surrounding her, if felt as if Allison were standing there with her. It felt like the ghost of her best friend was giving her a comforting hug.

Her phone dinged, and Katherine hastily wiped away a tear.

Lydia: Get inside. Your boyfriend needs you. He's starting to flip out.

Katherine rolled her eyes at Lydia's message and tucked her phone into the pocket of her jacket. She dumped her bat back into the trunk and ran a hand through her loose hair. She then walked towards the house, her sneakers tapping lightly on the ground. She pushed the door open, and walked straight into Liam. "Oh shit!" She yelped, throwing her hands out and grabbing his shoulders.

Liam threw an arm around her waist and kept her from falling.

Katherine blinked, patted his shoulder awkwardly, then moved to stand next to Scott. She caught the look he was giving her, and she shot him a sad smile.

The jacket still smelled like Allison.

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