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"I didn't know either of them very well," Katherine shrugged lightly in response to Mason's comment.

"But they were using us for, like, for their cover," Mason panted. "How are you not at least winded right now?" Katherine was jogging between the two of them, chatting with Mason while also keeping an eye on Liam.

"Tribe secrets," Katherine winked. "But seriously, I used to do soccer, baseball and track. I go running a lot, too. And I already told you; I wanted to be Cat Woman."

Liam snorted quietly beside her and she grinned.

"But seriously you guys, how are you not freaking out about that," Mason panted.

"Trust me; I'm freaking out about it a lot," Liam answered, his breathing completely even.

The two watched as he sped up his pace, and Katherine groaned. "I'll go catch up to him," she promised Mason. "You catch your breath and I'll bring him back."

Katherine sprinted up the trail, catching sight of a confused looking Liam. "What the hell are you doing man?" She panted, leaning on her knees slightly. "Are you trying to kill Mason? He's not as fast as — holy shit Liam are you okay?" Katherine jogged over to him and checked him over, doing her best to ignore the car that had hit him.

She could hear the footsteps of the man walking towards him, and turned to him with a nasty glare. "Why in gods name were you driving on the — oh god dammit you've got to be kidding me. You?"

Garrett smirked at her, and Katherine pursed her lips. "Glad to see you recognise me, Katherine," he grinned.

Katherine rolled her eyes. "All I'm seeing is the boyfriend of the psychotic bitch who tried to kill my brother," she snapped.

Garrett narrowed his eyes, then focused his attention on Liam. "Hey Liam!" He called, the blade in his hand clearly visible. "Sorry about missing movie night. Don't worry, though." Liam managed to pull himself off the ground and pull Katherine behind him. Garrett smirked again. "I've got something else planned."

He swung the blade down and knocked Liam out with the hilt, then turned his attention to Katherine. "Oh come on," she pleaded "I'm a measly little human. I'm not even on that list thing. I'm not even a good looking human! "

Garrett scoffed. "Scott's a sucker for human's in distress." Then he hit her on the side of the head, and Katherine fell to the ground unconscious.


Katherine covered her mouth to hide her shriek as she watched Garrett dump a still unconscious Liam down a well. Then Garrett turned to her and smirked. "Unless you want him to drown, I suggest you jump in."

Katherine felt her eyes fill with tears when she realized there wasn't anything she could do, so she kicked off her shoes, dropped her phone inside one, and climbed to the top of the well. "Alright," she breathed out. She prepared herself to jump in, only to be pushed. Katherine let out a yelp as her body hit the cold water, and she forced herself up for air.

"Liam!" She shrieked. "Liam where the hell did you go!" She spat out a small mouthful of water as she flailed around. When she finally saw him sinking below her, she dove down and dragged him back up to the surface.

Katherine almost cried when she realized he was still breathing, and did her best to keep them both above the water. "Don't let him drown, Katherine! I need him!" Garrett yelled. She heard his car door close and the engine start, then he drove away.

"You're not going to die on my watch, you understand?" She demanded. When she realized he wasn't going to answer her — because he was still unconscious — she let out a groan. She wrapped her arms around his middle and hoisted him further above the water. His head rolled back and landed on her shoulder.

Katherine moved her hands to get a better grip on him, and her hand hit something on his chest. She furrowed her brows and slowly turned him around to get a better look. There was a stab wound just below the bone in his chest oozing a yellow goo.


A tear rolled down Katherine's cheek and she turned him again, so his back was pressed to her chest and he was facing up. "Oh screw you, Garret!" She screamed. "Liam if you die I swear to god I'll find a way to bring you back then kill you myself," she warned shakily, rubbing her eyes furiously.

Liam let out a quiet groan, and Katherine let out a sigh of relief. "Kat?" He rasped.

"Yeah it's me you little shit," Katherine gulped. "Now I swear to god if you die I'll kill you."

"I don't think that's how it works," Liam breathed out through a cough.

"That's not my problem," Katherine grumbled. "Now wake the hell up. We need to find a way out of here."


"If you fall on me I'll kill you," Katherine warned loudly, her body practically plastered to the wells stone wall. She was shivering like crazy, and had her arms crossed over her chest.

Liam paused half way up the wall and scoffed. "You really want to kill me today, huh."

"Absolutely," Katherine nodded without a moments hesitation. "Now hurry up." Liam grunted as he continued to climb, the strain on his upper body causing his wound to ache. "But actually though," Katherine grimaced. "Please don't fall on me. I don't want to go back in the water; I'm already cold enough."

He didn't answer her. Moments later he let out a loud no and fell back into the water. Katherine let out a yelp as she was splashed, and began to shiver more violently.

Liam let out an angry yell and punched the stone wall. Katherine flinched. Part of the wall broke off under the impact, and he held his hand out in pain.

"Sorry," Liam grimaced. "My hand slipped."

"It's fine," Katherine mumbled, her teeth chattering quietly. "It's not your fault."

Liam sighed quietly and rested his good hand on her shoulder. "We're going to get out of here, alright?"

"I know," Katherine nodded, pursing her lips. "I just wish it wasn't taking so damn long."

"Fair enough," Liam breathed. His brows furrowed. "You feel like an ice cube," he commented.

Katherine grumbled. She began rubbing her arms and moving around in the water, trying to warm herself up. "I'm human, remember?" She frowned. "I don't have any kind of werewolf abilities to keep me warm."

"The werewolf thing doesn't keep me warm," Liam snorted. He pulled Katherine in for a tight hug, then cringed away. "Okay you're actually frozen solid," he decided.

"I freaking know that, dipshit," Katherine grumbled, worming her way under his arm. "Once I can feel my fingers and toes, I'll try to climb up."

"Alright," Liam nodded. He wrapped both his arms around her — resting his hurt hand against the back of her head — and Katherine felt her teeth stop chattering.

She let out a sigh. "I'm scared, Liam. I really don't want to die in here," she whispered into his chest after a moment.

"You wont," Liam promised. He rested his chin on the top of her head. "I won't let you."

"Good," Katherine mumbled. She rested her forehead on his shoulder. "I didn't plan on it, but I just thought I'd let you know."

Would anyone be interested if I posted stuff to the conversations bit about all of my characters and upcoming books???
(I'm really hoping that made sense to someone)

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