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*Monday morning*

I woke up to the sound of my mom calling me.

"Jordan you're going to be late if you don't get up this instant." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. This weekend consisted of staining shirts with my tears and taking naps. Grayson really hurt me but I guess hanging out with Cameron, Nash and Aaron wouldn't be too bad. Maybe it would cheer me up.

I threw on some sweatpants, a grey crewneck and some white nikes. I grabbed my phone and skateboard and then went downstairs to eat my one piece of toast and headed out the door. The ride to school was pretty much the same as always. I got there and I was happy for the first time since Saturday. I saw Nash standing around the bathroom looking around.

"Hey Nash." I beamed but he blocked me from getting past him.

"You can't go there." His eyes were wide and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why not Nash? My locker is back there." I tried pushing through him but he was stronger than me.

"Jordan." He held me and I looked past him. I saw Cameron and some girl making out.

"What. The. Fuck" I whispered. I could feel the tears rushing out of my eyes. I pushed past him finally and stormed off to my locker. I opened it furiously and put my stuff in then started making my way to first period.

Ethan stopped me and held my shoulders as I looked down at the ground.

"What's wrong?" He whispered pulling me into a hug.

"Cameron. He's making out with another girl down the hall." I buried my head into his chest as I heard footsteps come up behind me. I looked up. It was Grayson.

"Jordan. I'm sorry." Was all he said. He had his head down. I slowly started to let go of Ethan as I looked towards Grayson. I was shocked. I thought he wouldn't talk to me for a while.

I saw him look up and I immediately rushed into his arms to hug him. It felt so great. Like this big pain had been lifted off my chest. The whole world was starting to look brighter and I stopped crying. My hands were wrapped around his neck and his were on my waist. The bell rang and we all went to our classes. Grayson and I both had the same class. Usually I would be sad about that but right now I know that Grayson is here.

The day went by and I wasn't talking to Cameron or Nash since he tried hiding the fact that Cameron was making out with another girl.

I spent the lunch period with Ethan, Grayson, Aaron and Hayes. After school I went to the twins' house and posted my moving video even though it wasn't Friday. I added a part to it after I met them so I had them in the thumbnail.

 I added a part to it after I met them so I had them in the thumbnail

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Filmed my moving experience:)

Tagged: graysondolan | ethandolan


user2: hi. You look so pretty

user3: bjtch she knows the twins
user4: sister shook
》》user5: I'm choking rn.

user6: you look like a rat why are the twins even hanging out with you

user7: ew the twins? Why?
jordanj: Because they're fun.

graysondolan: woah. I just watched it. ❤

ethandolan: how tf do you make such good words come out of your mouth?
jordanj: I'm a genius.

user8: I love this friendship.
user9: agree^
》》user10: the twins shouldn't be involved with a girl who dated a snake.
》》》user11: you're jealous bc you can't even get a snake.

jordanj: wow you guys are showing a lot of love on this video and it's only been an hour. 2 MILLION VIEWS WHAT?!1!1!1

Liked By: graysondolan, ethandolan and 1,782,197 others

My channel and my social blade was starting to grow really fast and I don't know why. I'm actually so grateful for everything my fans do for me. It's all insane.

I'm so lost for words right now. 2 million views in an hour. Ethan and Grayson were cheering for me. I couldn't help but think that it had something to do with the people I was involved with.

Jersey High | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now