The video above is to help you understand what asexuality is, and may even make you realise wether you're asexual or not.
BasicallyAsexuality is when you do not feel sexualy attracted to anyone. You do not necessarily enjoy participating in the act.
The asexual flag is four strips of colour. Black, grey, white, and purple.B L A C K» asexuality
G R E Y» grey area between sexual
and asexualW H I T E» sexuality
P U R P L E» community
Asexuality is simply the absence of sexual attraction to any body, of any sex. They can enjoy sex itself, and can want or enjoy the act, they just don't feel sexual attraction.
Thank you @namelesshooman for helping me to clear this up!
Asexuals are not ALL revolted by sex. They may partake in it for the sake of a partner, they may watch porn etc. And they may feel arousal. Asexuality is just somebody who doesn't want to have sex.
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