Chapter 1 Experiment #198518 & #9185145

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Figure out my title chapter code.

Here's a hint... its a super easy code, even an elementary leave can solve it. If you figure it out leave a comment with the answer and I'll reply if it's right or wrong.


Sirens of alarms blares throughout the halls of an unknown building as two sounding footsteps echoes down a long twisty hallway path, "Hurry 9185145!" A young child's voice cries quietly. "I'm trying Onii-san, but I'm so tired." Another younger child's voice replies only a lot younger then the other one.

The two kids stop at a corner the older child looked over to see if there's anyone of those horrible people were around and for any security cameras looking over their way. No one was coming and the cameras had turn, it's now or never.

Taking the youngest child into his arms, He ran to the basement door which was thankfully unlock, the two make their way down the steps to an underground drainage sewer pipe lines where they'll make their way to freedom. The boy place 9195145 down as he finds the open water grates "Are you sure this is the right one?" "Positive, Sherry told me everything she even showed me a map so that we'll know the correct way to go." The young child, who could be no older than two and a half years old, hesitated for a moment and finally said with strong trust for her Onii-san. "Okay, I trust you. Onii-san."

Her Onii-san grab hold of her as he pulls the water grate over their heads, after climbing down the ladder, the young six year old fallow the stream upwards towards the water entryway tunnel at the right turn just like Sherry told him.

This was happening, he and his little sister were finally away from that offal place. Stepping out into the world for the first time in their lives was the most best thing to ever happen to them, looking up at the sky above was even more amazing even though the sky looks gray it was still the best moment for them.

"Is this what the sky looks like, Onii-san?" "I think so." Looking back at his sister, the young boy lower his back down so that she can climb up on him. Once she's secured they walk out into the rain to find the two people who would help them.


Time Skip

"Thanks again for coming with me Ran, I really appreciate it." The teenage detective thank his childhood friend as the two walk together under same umbrella to the Kudo's house. "Well, with just you and Agasa-san I figure you'd need an extra hand to help out." Shinichi is really grateful to have a best friend like Ran, he just wish he has what it takes to confess his real feeling to her. Little did he know that she too, feels the same way about him.

Suddenly the rain drops begins to come down harder, "Ah, we should get going." said Ran as she grabs Shinichi's hand holding the umbrella as the both try to move faster without slipping or tripping over. "Ah! Hold on a second, Ran!" When they made it to the corner of the street, Ran jolted a stop nearly get herself and Shinichi crash onto the wet road.

Before Shinichi could ask what was wrong or why she stopped, he was shock to see two young bodies laying down beside his gated fence in wet hospital gowns and with no shoes on. 

"Oh God!" Shinichi and Ran runs towards the two children checking to see if they still have a pulse, "Thank Kami, he's still breathing." Shinichi let out a sigh of relief "Thank goodness, but Shinichi, this girl has a fever!" Shinichi set the umbrella and his school bag down, he quickly unlocks the gate to his house and the door then quickly retrieve the boy in one arm and his and Ran's school bags along with the umbrella in the other.

With no words said, the two dear friends rush into the house and search for medical treatment for the young children. After wrapping them in warm dry towels, blankets and cooling cloth on the girl's forehead, Shinichi and Ran start to notice the facial looks on the two kids: the boy has light colored skin that almost looks like he or the girl, who has the same skin color as him, had never been outside before and has short black-brownish hair with a few long strands sticking out and a cowlick on the top back of his head. As for the girl she has very short hair that's a bit wavy curled all the way down to her checks, she still has some baby fat on her, but that just makes her even more adorable, along with her long eyelashes.

"What could have happen to them, Shinichi?" Her detective friend brought his thumb and forefinger to his chin in thought "Perhaps... they could have been runaways, or..." Shinichi then saw something he completely missed, it was a wristband on the boys right hand. Taking in a closer look, he was overwhelmed at what he saw... on the band it read in black ink Experiment #198518 turning his attention to the young small girl and finding her band it reads Experiment #9185145.

"Shinichi?" Ran ask him if something isn't right, he turns to her the look of shock never left his face. "Ran... these kids, they've... They've been experimented on."

Ran's eyes widen in fear, backs away a bit then collapse onto her knees "That... that can't be, how- why would someone do that to any young children!?" Tears started to form in her eyes bound to run down her face soon, Shinichi tries to comfort her when a moaning sound interrupts him. The two turn to see the young boy rubbing his eyes waking up, "What's wrong now, 9185145?" 'They can't remember their real names!?'

The boy spots Shinichi and Ran and ask "Are you Kudo Shinichi and Mori Ran?" a little surprise that the boy knew their names, but figured that he must have heard their names in the news papers or an article online, "Yes, I'm Kudo Shinichi." "And I'm Mori Ran, his best friend." The boy smiled with joyous relief "Thank god, we found the right address." Shinichi move over to the kid and ask "Bouya, do think you can tell me what happen to you and your friend?"

The Boy nodded his head "Hai, but before I can explain you both have to believe me when what I say is completely true." Shinichi look back at Ran who nodded her head that she's with him and that she'll believe whatever he has to say, "Okay, we agree. Please continue." "Me and my little sister, we... There's no easy way of saying this but... We're clones created out of from your DNA's." 






Shinichi and Ran "Eh?.. Eh!? EEHHH!?!"

And today's cleaning day was put on hold until next time, or year.


How was it? Interesting? Wanna read more? Want me to update more? I would be happy to!
P.S. I do not own the rights to Detective Conan/Case Closed, but I do love the story very much.

Ja Ne.

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