Chapter 2 New Names and a Family

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Hey welcome to chapter 2 of 'Conan and Irene Kudo, Detectives' I don't have a coded test for all of you wonderful viewers, but I do have the answers from Ch.1
"198518 and 9185145" translates into "Sher and Irene" the there are 26 letters in the English Alphabet: 19 is 'S', 8 is 'H', 5 is 'E', 18 is 'R' & 9 is 'I', 18 is 'R', 5 is 'E', 14 is 'N', 5 is 'E'. (Sorry typo miscoded) I got the idea from BBC SHERLOCK from Irene Adler's password code "I AM [][][][] LOCKED". and then use the English alphabet letter counts to make the code.


"What do you mean clones?!" Ran Shout in panic, how is it possible! there's just no way! miraculously it didn't wake the young sick girl on the couch "It's the truth." said the boy "The people who created us are bad guys dress in black with codenames like: Gin, Vodka or Snake. Their origination took DNA's from the most well known intelligent and skilled people and create clone copies of them and experiment on them so they can find a way to live longer than an average human lifespan, and some kind of way to 'raise the dead'." The boy said while quoting what the man with the silver blond hair said over him.

Ran was shaking in fear, fear of how these mysterious men or women have spied on her to gain a piece of her DNA. Not only did they created a clone of her, but used the clone like a test dummy. It's a very scary thought to imagen if the clone was replaced by the real Ran and went through the experiments and not the clone.

Shinichi felt the same way as Ran, how these people have created life through technology and to think that everything that wasn't bad before was even worst then a nightmare.

"In order for a clone to be fully functional they have to have two different DNAs one male and one female." Said the young child which snapped Shinichi and Ran out of their sadden state when they heard him say that, "Two DNAs? Like a... Like a..!" Ran's face starts to look fluster and so was Shinichi's. "Me and my sister have both of your DNA's. OTou-san, OKaa-san."




'Tou-san!' Shinichi thought.

'Kaa-san!' Ran Thought.

It felt like everything in Shinichi's brain has shut down, this boy sitting in front of him and the girl sleeping beside the boy are life forms created out of his and Ran's DNAs through science and technology, and not by natural ways of nature. Ran felt like time had stop everything was frozen in place, when she saw the two kids out in the rain she had a strange feeling rushing through, yelling at her saying 'you need to protect them! their lives depends on you!' And when the boy called her OKaa-san that feeling came back again. Did Shinichi also felt that feeling too?

Bringing his hand to his face, Shinichi said "I thought that people who committed murder are the worst kinds of humans on the planet, but when a person takes someone's mark of existence and uses it as an experimental test subject. That's just too sickening." Ran and the boy were surprise at Shinichi's quotative speech, "Does this mean you believe me?" The boy ask with hopefulness in his voice. "It is hard to believe it, but I can see the proof on you that cloning is possible." Shinichi takes in a breath to calm his nerves and began to list of cloning evidence on the boy "You face appearance is exactly as mine when I was a kid, but your eye color is slightly different then mine." It's true, the boy's eyes are a bluish-purple color, just like Ran's.

The boy nodded his head in confirm, then Ran spoke out her thoughts "Then that would mean your sister has blue eyes like Shinichi's, right?" The child nodded his head again "That's also true. So can you please help us?" Ran and Shinichi look at each other and nodded their heads in agreement "My father and mother have ways to create believable IDs and birth certificates, I'm sure they'll lend a hand in this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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