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Whaddup guys?! Roxie here with another chapter of Reality's Illusion. The beginning of the Yukimura siblings' journey begins here. I'm so excited about this. There are so many ideas for this book swarming around in my head. No worries, I won't be one of those people who decide to write multiple books before being finished with one. I'm not hating, it's just that I don't think I can handle more than one book unlike other people. They're so talented while I'm just a girl who's trying to make my dream a reality. Though I doubt you came here to read my sob story rather than my fanfic. So without further ado, I give you Chapter 1!


By the time the two siblings made it to town, the sun was almost completely up into the air. It shined down onto them, causing the female to shield her eyes from its bright light. Her hand seemed to do little justice as the sun's beaming rays were reflected in her azure orbs, making them look blue and light goldish-red. Her brother seemed to have the same problem except he opted for turning away from it, a slight scowl on his lips.

It was around that time of day where the sun barely started rising up above the horizon, causing a scarlet glow to overtake the sky and taint the clouds pink. That was also the time where the siblings explored the town for valuables they might come across. Fortunately, nearly no one else was awake, meaning they had the town to themselves for the next hour or so. They both turned to look at the other and after a moment of silence with nothing but the birds making a sound, Y/N and Yūto broke out into smiles.

With their hands still linked together tightly, the two ran off into the direction of the shops. If they were lucky, there might be a scrap of food they could salvage, a new outfit they could change into, or maybe even a couple of toys they could play with!

A few passerby and the occasional jogger looked at the duo in disgust while others gazed at them with eyes full of pity. Yūto briefly looked back at them and glared, a challenging expression on his face. Y/N tugged on her brother's arm, urging him to look at her again.

"Is something wrong, Yūto?" The girl tilted her head curiously and furrowed her eyebrows.

The older of the two smiled softly at her and shook his head. "Nu-uh. C'mon, let's go check for stuff."

Y/N frowned. Was he evading the subject? She narrowed her eyes at him and planted her feet firmly into the ground, making it hard for Yūto to pull her along.

"Yūto, tell me what's wrong. I know you, and I love you. You're my older brother, I know when something is up. Please, just tell me."

The male sighed and placed his hands firmly on her shoulders, looking her straight in the eyes. He was a little surprised to find concern and anger in her beautiful orbs, but brushed it off. "Y/N, you are my sister, my best friend. You know that I would tell you if something is wrong. Trust me on this one, I'm fine."

The white haired maiden immediately searched his face to find any sign that he was lying, but sighed when she came up short-handed. "Okay, I believe you. Do you promise that you'll tell me if anything is bothering you?"

Y/N noticed the hesitance in his eyes, but it left as soon as it came, leading her to believe it was the trick of the light. "I promise that I'll tell you if anything is bothering me. Now c'mon, we don't have much time left before the shops open. Let's go see if we can find something."

The female's eyes instantly lit up, a look of wonder on her face. She grasped her brother's hand and pulled him along towards a bakery. "Let's start here first. There might be leftovers~!"

Yūto chuckled and allowed his sister to drag him towards the shop. "Alright, and how about we go off to the park after this?"

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