Discouraged: the Tears of a Princess

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Hey there my lovely little Petals, Roxie here with another chapter of Reality's Illusion. To sum up what happened last time, the Yukimura siblings were finally reunited like Mika got to finally see Yūichirō. You were caught in a sticky situation with a couple of sketchy dudes who did some weird magic and now you're unconscious. I mean all you wanted to do was go on a slide.... Anyway, continue!


3rd Person POV

(Y/N) involuntarily shivered in her sleep after she woke up and discovered she was freezing. Was the ground always that hard and smooth? She furrowed her eyebrows in slight confusion and went to open her eyes, but she found her vision obscured by a type of silky cloth. She reached up to remove it, but she was restricted by something cool and hard.

She slowly began to realize that her entire body was enveloped in cold; her legs, her neck, her arms, and not to mention the fact that her dress did little to give her warmth. To her surprise, nothing was covering her mouth, which she was thankful for, so she decided to call for Yūto.

"Yuu? Are you there? Wh-Why am I-?"

(Y/N) stopped in the middle of her sentence and paused as everything came rushing back to her. She was separated from her brother during a trip to the park, she encountered a strange man who she ran away from, she was reunited with her brother, she did some kickass trick, they ran into that same man and his friend, they were trapped in a large circle, and then they were in unbearable pain until they passed out. Now, she's here.

But where was Yūto?

Panic almost immediately set in after she thought that. For God's sake she was just reunited with him and now he's gone again? What game were those jerks playing at?!

Panic morphed into anger as (Y/N) bared her teeth at nothing and let out an almost animalistic growl. Well, that was until she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and a dull, yet painful throbbing sensation in her head.

She winced and pushed the aching pain to the very back of her mind, solely focusing on getting her voice heard. Her confidence and determination to stay with Yūto fueled her passionate flame. "SIRS?! EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE, BUT YOU GUYS ARE ACTING LIKE TOTAL JACKWAGONS! WHERE IS MY BIG BROTHER?! YOU HAD BETTER GIVE HIM BACK TO ME OR YOU'LL BE SORRY!"

She tried to focus on summoning those swirls of color, hoping to feel the exhilaration coursing through her veins. However, (Y/N) didn't anticipate the gut-wrenching pain she had fought off to return, its intensity too hard to ignore.

It felt like her entire abdomen was on fire, and her chest felt as if there was a heavy weight on it, restricting her breathing. Sweat rolled down her face and dropped onto the cold metal she was chained to as the fiery pain increased. She grit her teeth and tried to hold in her screams, but she couldn't stop the buring tears from erupting from her eyes.

Seconds turned into minutes, whimpers turned into bloodcurdling screams, and droplets turned into an endless waterfall until it died down a smidgen, so it wasn't as unbearable as before. The feeling of a weight on her chest disappeared, giving her leverage to start heaving.

(Y/N) sighed in relief at being able to breathe again. At the same time, she was surprised to find that she couldn't manifest those swirls of passion that gave her a sense of completeness. "What? Why can't I-?!"

She was cut off by the sound of a metal door opening, wheezing a groaning as if it hadn't been used in ages. Her ears perked up at the sound, her other senses being enhanced due to her vision being obstructed.

She found that time to be a golden opportunity to speak to the one with purple hair, well, she assumed it was him because of the light, bouncy footsteps on the metal floor. "U-Um, excuse me? Mr...... Yato?"

The footsteps continued to trudge toward her, only stopping when they reached right beside her. She felt feathery, gentle touches on the exposed parts of her face, and she recoiled at the cold. Her breath hitched in her throat when the fingertips swiped over her lips, and she immediately twisted her head away from them.

"What are you-?"

She felt a hand gently clasp over her mouth, as the unoccupied one trailed down her neck, detouring to her arm, and halting at her abdomen. "Shh. It's really important that you be quiet. I'm trying to reactivate the chakra seal, Yuki-chan."

Y/N furrowed her brows at the name slightly cocking her head to the side in order to speak clearly. "Why'd you call me that? What is a 'chakra seal?' Where's my brother!"

Her questions increased in volume and intensity, causing the timid man's hands to flinch away from her stomach. "Th-That's classified information I'm not allowed to share. I'm sorry...."

She could feel her eye begin to twitch at his lack of cooperation, subconsciously baring her teeth at the male, which made him shake slightly. "I don't give a crap about what you were told by Riki or whatever his name was. I was just reunited with him and I refuse to be separated because of the likes of you!"

A few beads of sweat cascaded down the male's face, his eyes widening in shock. Sadness consumed him for a few moments, distant memories bubbling back up to the surface of his brain.

That girl.... She was.... like.... him? Conflicting feelings stirred within him, and he couldn't decide if he wanted the mission to progress or end all together.

"I-I-I....." he reached his hand out to grasp hers, but stopped upon realizing her shakiness. Small droplets appeared from beneath her blindfold, and he hesitantly wiped them away before they could progress down her pale cheeks.

"Why can't you just let me go? I need my brother! Please take me to him! Please..." The begging undertone in her voice caused something in him to snap, and he almost complied with Y/N's wish.

Yato distanced himself from her once he felt chakra accumulating in his palms, face twisted with pain and understanding. He didn't care if the seal wasn't reactivated; he had to get away from her before he did something that could jeopardize the mission. Riku could yell all he wanted, but if Yato stayed there was no doubt that he would allow her to escape.

Yato took a tentative step back, before bolting towards the door and leaving, making it slam with an echo. (Y/N) could feel herself get choked up, and before she could stop them, numerous amounts of tears cascaded down her cheeks.

For the past few minutes, she was left shivering on a cold platform, tears streaming from her blue hues and whimpers escaping from her lips. It took a few moments, but she eventually drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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