KIDNAPPED?! Well Crap...

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Hi there my Lovely Little Petals, Roxie here with the fourth chapter of Reality's Illusion! This is the part where shit hits the fan and I am SO excited for it! It has been literally forever since I've written a story without feeling that it's trash. Feelings are difficult, y'know? Yeah, life sucks' but atleast I had Bella and everyone to keep me company. Now enough about me, let's get right into the chapter. Enjoy~!


Second Person POV:

You had been running away from that strange man in the woods for what felt like eternity. Your lungs were starting hurt, you legs ached, and every breath seemed harder and harder to breathe than the last.

Tears started to form in your eyes, but you had wiped them away with your hand. A yawn flew past your lips and you stopped to lean against a tree. Your eyes were half-lidded, exhaustion started to become harder to fight off as they started to steadily closed -

Until you heard a familiar voice call your name.

Your blue orbs immediately widened as they shot open in shock. You felt your body tense up in fear of it, of him being an illusion. A few seconds went by before another call reached your ears, and you shot off the tree almost as soon as you heard it.

Your legs began to run towards the sound of the voice, his voice, in a speed you thought wasn't possible for someone your size. "Y-Yūto! I-I'm here! I-I'm right here!"

As the joyous cry left your lips, your brother let out an sigh of relief now that he knew you were okay. You tripped over thick branches littered on the ground and your bare feet stung as they collided with the ground, but you didn't care.

All you could think about, all you could care about, was that your brother was alive and well. He was not going to leave you alone any time soon.

The water works started right at the moment your eyes landed on him. He was covered in dirt and had a small dent on his forehead, but other than that he seemed fine.

His arms opened up for you when he saw you approaching and you didn't hesitate to jump right into them and cry into his chest. "I-I w-was g-gonna ask y-y-you what th-the slide l-looked like, b-but you w-weren't th-there!"

Yūto swept his hands through your hair affectionately, whispering words of comfort into your ear even though he himself had tears pouring out his eyes, leaving wet marks on his dirt covered cheeks. You sniffed and whimpered occasionally as your sobs eventually died down.

Both of you stood still and silent for a moment, just enjoying the fact that you were together again. "It's alright, Y/N. I'm here and I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise."

You looked up at him and smiled a little, your cheeks still rosy red from crying. Usually, this would be the time where some super emotional crap happens, and everyone would go on their majestic Llamacorn and fly off to Equestria to mingle with some single ass pringles. But nah, time to bring some Series of Unfortunate Events shit up in here.

Just as the author, who broke the fourth wall, stated, a couple of slow claps came from behind you. Yūto swiftly turned around, holding you close to him incase anything happened.

Your eyes widened in surprise, you knew that voice. "Uh- um. Mister from the woods? Is that you?"

Your brother briefly glanced down at you before glaring at an oak tree. "Who the hell are you, and why does my sister know you?!" You could hear the malice in his voice and you flinched, but he didn't notice. "If you've hurt her, I swear that I will kill you!"

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