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"Y/n, we need to talk." Sheriff Keller came into my cell block. "Why did you give us a false confession."

"I don't know what you're talking about Sheriff." I stood tensely.

"I received a video of Clifford Blossom shooting Jason, so why did you say you did it?"

"I would like to exercise my right to remain silent." I looked up at him.

"Clifford Blossom hung himself last night, if you had a deal with him, if he was going to hurt you... he can't."

I was shocked, tears ran down my cheeks in seconds.

"It was at the family banquet." I sobbed. "Clifford told me to confess to the murder or he'd hurt my dad or Archie or... or Jughead. I couldn't let them get hurt."

"So how much of your story is true?" Keller asked me. "You have all the pictures you said you did."

"I was at Sweetwater. I saw them and I found a gun, not the same one. When you showed me the gun I realized they looked close enough for the one I found to pass as the one that killed Jason."

"Where is the gun now?"

"I threw it in Sweetwater River so when you searched my room you wouldn't find it and figure out that it's not the same gun that shot Jason."

"Start from the beginning then... the whole truth." He nodded to me.

"A couple summers ago...Jason really did...well you know. So that morning when I found the gun I shot it. At a tree, not Jason. That was the second gunshot Archie and Cheryl heard." He nodded. "I saw Cheryl and Jason hug and split apart-"

"I saw the picture you had of them." He nodded again.

"I saw him and I left. That's it." I looked in his eyes. "I never touched him."

"Why did you take the fall when FP was about to be arrested?"

"Clifford has been calling me... he said if I waited to long he'd do something and he said I'd know it when it happened. If I didn't confess whether FP got arrested or not, Jug would have been hurt. And...Jug needs his dad for than his girlfriend."

"Yeah well, FP confessed to covering up the murder." He spoke slowly and grimly.


"It's the truth too, not just a threat from Clifford."

"Oh my god." I saw down on my small, uncomfortable bed. "What's going to happen to me?"

"You..." He said as he put his keys in the door. "Are free to go."

"What? Put I lied about my alibi and made a false confession-"

"You're a minor and were threatened." He said to me. "I'll close the door soon so I'd get out if I were you."

"Oh, yeah." I stood up and walked out of the cell.

"Your family and friends are outside." He smiled at me.

I ran out the door and into the lobby.

"Y/n!" Archie seemed shocked to see me.

"She's free to go, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews can I have a word?" He said. My parents nodded and followed him.

"Oh my god Y/n! What happened?" Betty asked.

"We know Clifford killed Jason, not you." Veronica told me.

"H-he threatened me at the banquet." I stuttered slightly. "He threatened Juggie." I started to cry.

"What?" I heard his soft voice say from behind my friends who had been smothering me.

"Juggie." I smiled softly. I pushed past my friends and wrapped my arms around him. He was tense and slightly shocked. "I didn't mean any of it Jug." I cried into his chest.

"Shh, it's okay baby, I know." He ran his fingers through my hair.

"Baby?" I looked up at him.

"Of course." He placed his hand on the side of my face.

"I didn't want to break up with you Jug but I just- I had to keep you away. I had to make sure you were safe." I started to cry again.

"I know, I know." He hugged me again. "Let's just forget anything ever happened okay?"

"Yeah." I said into his chest. "I'm sorry about your dad. I tried to protect him but after my confession broke I couldn't-"

"Don't apologize for what he did." Jug hugged me tighter. "He was the one that did all that stuff, not you...And Y/n." Jughead said hesitantly.

"What is it?"

"The whole town knows now, your parents, the school, they know about what happened with Jason and you." He looked sad. I nodded, I figured they did anyways.

"And Y/n I'm sorry. My mom she-she published an article about you killing Jason." Betty looked down.

"There are a lot of people in the town that are angry with you. The news about Clifford hasn't exactly spread yet-" Veronica said but was cut off my Archie.

"News spreads quickly in this town." Archie said. "Dad wants you to finish school from home."

"What? No." I protested.

"Y/n, you ready to go?" My mom and dad said after they came around the corner.

"Yeah." I nodded.

I said goodbye to my friends Andy family plus Jughead went home.

Jug, Archie and I sat in the back and my parents sat in the front. I was in the middle of the two boys and cuddled into Jughead's side.

"I missed you." Jughead whispered as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I missed you too." I said as I placed a soft kiss on his lips, earning an 'awe' from my mom and a groan from Archie.

"Do you really have to do that with me right next to you?" He said, disgusted.

"C'mon Arch I just got out of jail."

In a lonely place | Jughead Jones x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now