The Destination

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       I was picked up by somebody in a car. They were headed the same place I was. It was odd because I guess I was in New York when I started and I was in Pennsylvania when I was picked up. There were three people in the car other than the driver, all having been picked up like me, all heading to the same place. I wasn't the only one like this. There were others who had trackers without people on them. The driver introduced himself as Damien, the three in the back of the truck introduced themselves as Anna, Louis and Oli. I jumped in the back and explained what had happened. They all nodded. "It was the same for me" Oli said. "My parents didn't want me to start with. Let alone after they saw a blank tracker." I nodded. Oli is cute. He has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. It would be curly if he let it grow out. I smiled. Anna started playing the ukulele and soon after Louis started singing. It seemed different to have people who didn't care about ME not having anyone to go to. They gave me a small drum, probably meant for babies, and I played it. I knew the song. I had learned it in choir and orchestra. Apparently, all orphanages taught the same things. Sounds like prison to me. 

       Oli and I ended up falling behind and fading out during the song. I wasn't a drum player. We looked at each other and laughed, and eventually we were all laying in the bed of the truck laughing. We adjusted to where our heads were touching in a weird plus sign. Damien pulled into an abandoned parking lot and moved to the back. He laid down the same way so we made a weird star. It was getting dark as we all laid there, our feet dangling out of the bed of the truck in some way. "So Nicholas, tell us about yourself," Damien said. everyone sat up leaning on their elbows and looked at me. I sat up all the way. "Well... My favorite color is teal and I reaaaallly like being out of the orphanage." they all chuckled, and then Anna made a little 'go on' motion with her hand.  "I like reading and my natural hair color is Black." I twirled a piece of my blonde hair around my finger. Nana had gotten me bleach for my birthday and helped me dye it before I was kicked out. Like one final 'Fuck you' to the staff. Not to mention that they told me to cut it before I left.

       Oli smiled at me. We all laid back down this time like sardines in a can, so we could all fit in the bed of the truck. The mattress was comfortable for being two sheets sown together and stuffed with hay. Oli was on my right side and Anna on my left. We all watched the stars til we fell asleep. Oli, Anna and I were the last to fall asleep, and before we did Anna said "We'll need a bigger car soon. We can all sit in the back but if we pick anyone else up we won't be able to sleep." And then I was asleep.

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