"Why are you scared of me?" Oli asked me looking out at the world. "Because I feel things for you I'm not allowed to feel." His eyebrows furled and he shook his head. "The system is broken Nick." I shook my head. Oli sighed "You can't believe that YOU are broken. You aren't broken, the system is." I really couldn't believe that. I was broken, not my tracker, not the system. Me. I smiled and nodded, ignoring the thoughts going through my head.

He smiled and started humming quietly. I shut my eyes, and started dozing off. He shook my shoulder, waking me back up. I sat straight up and was immediately met with a kiss. He pulled away and repeated "You aren't broken. Do you understand me?" I nodded and smiled before kissing him again. He smiled before pulling away and going back to humming. This time he let me fall asleep fully.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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