The Conversation

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       She walked us all to her room, and now she had Damien's arm in her grip instead. Oli walked next to me. She sat us all down in the living room of her suite. "You bastards were hard to track down. But I found you. And your boyfriend. How's that gonna work for you Oli? Your trackers were blank. YOU CAN'T LOVE EACH OTHER." Oli scowled at the woman. "Nick is my best friend. Why do you even want to talk to us? You didn't want us when we were kids, why do you want us so damn bad now?" She just laughed. "I don't want you. I wanted to tell you something. I didn't kidnap you, just brought you up for a nice private discussion. I found your fathers."

       Both of them shrugged. "So what? They didn't want us either. Just leave us alone." Damien was on his feet for only a moment before being pushed violently into the couch again. "You don't leave 'til I tell you." In a matter of seconds, she was chasing us down the hall. We were soon in our room with a woman banging at the door. I went to the phone and called security. Once the woman was taken away and all was taken care of, Damien burst into sobs. Oli and I were there in an instant, and soon I was holding his feet in my lap while his brother held his head, petting his hair. You'd think Oli was older. He looked at me. "What would you have done? If that had been your mother?" I shook my head. "I don't know." My mother and father had a family other than me. They didn't care about me. 

Not to mention the murder attempt

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