Have You Heard Of Us? - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 – Samantha

Are you coming over to my house or do we come to you?” Mahima asked glancing at Mitch.

“Who are we?” Nathan asked suspiciously. What a retard.

“Me and Sam. Obviously, who do you think? Me and Darren or something?” she asked sarcastically. I chuckled, Darren was some mentally retarded dude who like her.

“Oh ok, well then since there’s two of you I’ll come to yours” he said glancing at me grinning.

“Yes!” Mahima said fist-pumping in the air then turning back around and hi-fiving me. I laughed, while Nathan yanked on her pony tail. She didn’t even notice. I chuckled again. Mahima was a clown. I heard Nathan murmur something to Mitch, to which Mitch murmured something even longer back to him.

“Where’s Eliza?” Nathan suddenly asked. Me and Mahima turned around to face him. Oh shit.

“Umm….well…..err” I started but got cut off.

“She’s not feeling well. She errs…” Mahima said glancing at Mitch.

“Has the flu” Mitch concluded glancing at me then Mahima then Nathan.

 Phew, that was a pretty good excuse. I mean, it was better than nothing.  

“Right, ok” he said. I could tell he didn’t believe us. What a head. I looked at Mahima at the same she did. We raised our eyebrows, worried.

I looked at Mahima quickly. What were we supposed to tell him? Mitch, Mahima and I had made up the lamest story but Nathan was going to find out sooner or later.

“So… “ I said slowly trying to change the subject. I didn’t really know what to say so I looked at Mahima desperately, she always had something to say.

“Did you do the Math homework yet? I’ve still got 2 pages left but I’ve finished the rest of it.” Mitch said saving us both.

“Ugh, I haven’t even started on it. I bet Nathan’s finished it all.” Mahima said grinning widely.

“Of course he has.” I laughed.

He looked down smiling. Everybody knew that Nathan was the smartest guy ever and he always did the homework the night teachers gave it to him.

I got out my ipod and put my earphones in. I scrolled through my music and picked ‘Pound the Alarm’ by Nicki Minaj.

I saw Mahima looking over at my ipod to see what I was listening to.

“I love that song!” she said immediately taking an earphone and putting it in her ear.

Mitch started laughing as Mahima danced wildly. I was about to fall of my seat because I was laughing so much. Everybody on the bus started looking at her and some people were even cheering her on and dancing with her. I unplugged the earphones and now my iPod was on full blast and everybody was singing along.

I looked back and saw Nathan looking at Mahima with a weird look in his eyes. I had seen this look before but never from Nathan. I knew it was true, Nathan had a crush on Mahima.

Eliza was talking to Maria, Nathan’s mum. I know, I know. You must be like ‘What the fish? Why is she talking to a friend’s mum before school at his house?’ Well, it was Nathan’s birthday this weekend, and seeing as it was already Wednesday, Eliza decided to talk to his mum about the planning and the location of the party. It was a surprise party so obviously we couldn’t tell Nate. Nate? Since, when did I call him Nate? That’s bloody awkward.

‘Omg, Nate was asking about where u were. Cum to school asap’ I texted Eliza quickly.  She replied a few seconds later.

‘Oh, k. Nate? WTF?’ she texted back.

‘Don’t worry. Have you asked Maria?’  I texted. So much for the “don’t-let-anyone-know-about-the-nickname thing.

‘Yepp! She said she’s on it. I’m on my way to school’ she texted back a few seconds later. She was pretty fast at texting. I didn’t bother replying and quickly told Mahima everything. She nodded her head and turned to look at Nathan. He was looking at his phone concentrating. Wierdo. Someone cleared their throat loudly. I turned around to see Bella and Jake looking at me with expressions conveying “what happened”. I gave them  the thumbs up and turned back around. I faintly heard them hi-five each other. Even weirder.

l “Let’s go” Mitch said leading us to the lockers.

“What did she say” Alexis whispered to me.

“Nothing. She said she told Maria and so Maria agrees. She’s coming” I whispered back checking behind us. Jake and Nathan were engrossed in a conversation about the upcoming football finals. Even more weirder. Nathan and Eliza’s lockers were on either side of mine.

“Hey, what’s up?” Nate asked me. Samantha! Shut up with the nickname already I screamed mentally at myself.

“I’m talking to you. Why?” I asked looking at him like he was crazy. In fact, I was 80% convinced he was. Why would he ask me that if I was right in front of him?

“Nah. Obviously. But I mean like what’s up with all of you’s. You’re all like so…. So….” He trailed off looking for a word.

“Formal?” I asked as I grabbed my books.

“Yeah! That’s the word.” He said grinning at me while he slammed his locker shut.

“Umm…I’m not sure. Why?” I asked acting as if I wasn’t the main one in this idea.

“Nothing. Don’t worry” he said shrugging. “Ok….well….I’ll see you later” he said walking off.

“What an idiot” I muttered under my breath. No matter how much I liked Nate as a friend, he could be a big idiot sometimes.

“Come on. The bell’s gonna ring soon” Alexis said pulling my arm.

The bell to homeroom rang a few minutes later.

“Samantha Brooks” Mr Malik said.

“Here” I said sounding as bored as ever.

“Alexis Cater” he continued.

“Here” she said more enthusiastically than anyone in the whole school.

“Eliza Kilam” he said a few minutes later.

“Here!” she shouted running into the room with about 5 books, 2 pencil cases and 1 diary.

“Where were you?” I whispered to her as she sat next to me.

“Bus….broke….down” she said in between breaths.

“Smart girl” Alexis said.

“What do we have first?” Eliza asked.

“Maths” I replied calmly. She groaned loudly.

“What?” I asked.

“Jake” she said groaning even more.

“Oooh la la” Both me and Alexis teased. Eliza went red having breathing difficulties, but not because the bus broke down….

Oh god, where was Mahima?

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