Have You Heard Of Us? - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 – Alexis

I couldn’t believe it. Nathan had kissed me. I couldn’t get it out of my head. Phew, today had been a long day. First Nathan kisses me, then I realise that he likes Mahima, then Jake and Eliza kiss, then Sam and Nathan are late to class and get in deep shit and now here I am standing in a cubicle in the bathroom. My whole life seems to be stuffed. I don’t know where to begin.

I know that Nathan didn’t like me. He did it to get all his frustration out. I don’t blame the guy but I mean, kissing me? Did he really think that it would get better? Did he really think it would make Mahima like him more? Oh, and here’s the more stuffed up part: Mahima actually likes him. Yeah, exactly. So I’m the slut here. It’s all going to look like it’s my fault. I can’t believe it still. I sat down on the toilet seat and put my head in my hands. I need to sort all this out. But what if Mahima finds out? Will Eliza tell her? What about Nathan? Does he actually like me? Alexis! You know he doesn’t like you! Then why the extra ego? Huh? I sighed. Ok, here was what I was going to do. I was going to get out of the bathroom and join the others. I wasn’t going to do anything too noticeable or suspicious. Play it cool. I still couldn’t get this morning out of my head.

I opened the door to the cubicle and headed back outside. It was lunch time so I blended in with the crowd. I walked over to where the others were sitting.

“Hey” I said greeting them. I avoided looking at Nathan, Eliza and Mahima.

“Hey where were you?” Mahima asked. Guilt flooded through me. How could I have done this? To my own best friend? I was such a two faced bitch. The nice, caring, out-going, careless Mahima? My own family? I had done this to her? I couldn’t believe it.

“I… was at the lockers” I lied my voice cracking. She nodded her head and turned to ask Mitchell something.

“Alex? Can I talk to you for a second?” Eliza asked me harshly. I flinched and nodded my head. She led me to the locker area.

“Look, I saw what happened this morning. And I just wanted you to know that sooner or later Mahima is going to find out about this. The choice is yours. Do you want to tell her? Or do you want me to tell her? Either way, it will hurt her more than you can imagine” Eliza said glancing to where Mahima was laughing along with Jake.

“I know, and I’m sorry. But-“ I got cut off

“Sorry, won’t do anything. Now I don’t want to hear anything apart from who you think should tell her” Eliza demanded. I felt tears swelling up in my eyes. This wasn’t fair. I thought that maybe Nathan and I had a chance? No wait, what? What was I thinking?

“Ok, well. I’m sorry. I think you should tell her. I’ll be right next to you though” I said my stomach clenching into one small ball. I felt sick and tired all of a sudden.

“Ok, well. I think we should do it today. Right now. That way she gets over it quicker” Eliza said thoughtfully. We walked back slowly to the group. I realised that the whole group was going to hear this.

“Hey, what happened?” Mahima asked innocently. Oh God, how was I going to do this? To my best friend? I wished that the ground would open up and swallow me. I am such a good friend.

“Errr….we have something to tell you” Eliza said looking downcast. She took a deep breath and began. I listened avoiding eye contact with anyone. I looked up and saw as Mahima’s smile vanished and was instantly replaced by shock. I was feeling like a bitch right now. I still couldn’t believe what I had done.

“That’s all” Eliza said finishing. She looked down at the ground and played with her fingers. I looked up and saw Samantha and Mitchell staring at me like they were about to kill me. Tears filled up my eyes and before I knew it, they were pouring out.

“Is this true?” Mahima asked me as if she wished it weren’t.

“Y-y-yes” I sobbed wiping my tears away. She was silent. For the first time, she had no words. She got up and stood there, as if she wanted to say something. Then she ran away. Faster than I had ever seen her run.

“You’re gonna pay for this” Samantha said before running after her. Mitchell glared at me and ran after her along with Nathan and Bella.

“Ok. I think you should go. You’ve done enough” Eliza said folding her arms across her chest. I nodded and walked towards the lockers. I heard Eliza run away.

Oh God, what was going to happen now?

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