Have You Heard Of Us? - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 – Bella

Ok, I don’t mean to seem bitchy or anything. But to be honest, I was more of a friend to Lexi than any other person in this so called ‘friendship group’. So, the first thing to do was to ring her. I knew I would get through to her because she always had her phone on her….I’m not joking, it’s like that device was a flacking life line! Anyway, it was ringing, that was a good sign. Wasn’t it?

“Hello?” I could easily tell that she had been or is crying.

“Hey hun, its Bella. Where are you? I wanna come and help you.”

“In the gym.”

“Okay babe, I’m on my way.”

Sure, Alexis probably shouldn’t have kissed Nathan because we all know that Mahima really likes him. But come on, it’s not her fault that Nathan liked the kiss!

“Lexi?! Are you in here?!”

I heard sniffles coming from the change rooms.

“Lexi? You in here?”

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“Geez! Are you ok babe?! You did not deserve that back there! They have to at least understand that it was a mistake! They have all made mistakes!”

“It’s ok. Calm down Bells. I understand that I am in the wrong. I’m just really upset that Nathan doesn’t like me like I thought he did.”

“Tell me about it. Wait what? What do you mean?”

“Wait, do you think that I came onto him?! No! I would never do that! I was walking into the school entrance when I felt someones arms around me. I started to freak out! So I waited until I knew it was the right time to check out who it was. Nathan turned me around and kissed me straight away! He must of thought I was Mahima! I was so scared so I just let him kiss me. Then he ran. Like he was scared or something.”

“WHAT! Lexi! I’m your best friend! You could have at least told me!”

“I know! But I was scared that Nathan didn’t want me to tell anyone in case Mahima found out.”

“Your serious? So right now your letting Mahima cry over Nathan, and you’re doing nothing to tell her the truth?! Babe…..I thought you were better than that. Now, you can either tell Mahima that truth, or you can sit in here and sulk.”

She wasn’t going to move. Or at least I think she isn’t. Wow. And to think I backed her up on this whole situation. I just made a complete fool of myself. I even took my ‘best friend’ instead of my sister to help. Way to go. Mahima probably hates me right now.

“I can’t. I wouldn’t know what to say. But you have to understand I never wanted this – “

“Save it. I just probably lost my sister because I wanted to help you instead of her! You think I am going to just forgive you?! You LIED to all of us! Go to hell.”

“Bella? You aren’t seriously going to just shun me out are you?! Your my best friend!!”

“WAS your best friend, WAS your only friend.”

“No! I’m not allowing you to do this! I can’t have you leave me!”

“Good Bye Alexis. I hope you rot in hell you stuck up two faced bitch. I can’t believe I actually though you were my friend. Fuck off ” I said storming out of the room. 

Hey Guys!!!!!!!!!! Sorry we love you sooo much that we decided to upload another chapter!!!!!








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