Chapter 2

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She never knew that she was claustrophobic until now. The trunk of the car was small and she didn't like how she could barely lift her head. To add on to her growing list of negatives, her lower back had a shooting pain as she adjusted her position. How long has it been?

Hannah squirmed around on her stomach for a couple of minutes until she was able to toss onto her back. Pulling her right leg up towards her chest, she kicked out one of the vehicles tail lights and prayed to whoever was listening that the driver was oblivious to the loud noise. Turning back around, now on her stomach,  she peered out of the hole that she had just created. It was dark outside and the sky was deprived of stars or satellites. But that would mean that she had been unconscious for several hours. Hannah knew that she needed to escape, but she didn't know how to do that just yet. So she waited.


Hannah slammed into the back wall of the trunk when it the vehicle had come to a sudden halt. It was now early in the morning and she assumed that the sun had only risen an hour ago. Voices, foot steps and the sound of someone cracking open a beer could be heard outside. Were we here? Pretending to be asleep seemed to be the best option she had at the moment, so Hannah rolled onto her side, closed her eyes and attempted to slow her breathing.  The trunk opened and a gust of clean air came in, making her realize how stuffy it had been in the small space.

After a few moments a teenage boy mumbled,  "I think she's dead you guys," He poked Hannah's ribcage with the barrel of his gun. She had to keep from screaming or running. Most likely both.

"Dude, this is our first assignment, she can't be dead," Another one added in, he seemed to be a little bit older due to his slightly deeper voice.

"If you guys want to know if she's alive, just do this," A third started walking towards her at a fast pace, she didn't notice the clicking sound of his gun until it was too late.

The bullet ripped through her foot and she screamed, tears starting to blur her vision.

"See? She's alive," he continued, smirking.

"That was really uncalled for Drew," One of the other two spoke up.

"Yeah, we were supposed to deliver her uninjured."

So Drew is the idiot who shot me. Gotta keep that one in mind when I kill him first.

Hannah dared to look down at her foot. Blood was coming out of the wound in a steady stream. Turning it, she could see the exit wound.

Drew rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I'm gonna wait by the truck."

One of the two other boys walked towards her, "I didn't know he would do that."

Hannah almost laughed. Sure, that's believable.

He pulled out a medical kit from the bag that was over his shoulder, "My name is Thomas."

"Good for you," Hannah's throat was raw from screaming and her eyes were still watering.

Thomas looked around the small medical kit for a minute and then pulled out a roll of gauze. He reached for her injured foot, but she pulled it away quickly. Ouch! Probably shouldn't have done that. Hannah glared at him.

He shrugged and continued, "Over there," he nodded towards another boy who held a small gun, his pocket knife was stuffed in his jean pocket. He seems to be on watch. "That's Matt."

Uncle Matthew, that lying traitor. Although she knew that it wasn't her uncle, she automatically distrusted the guy. After a few minutes of persuasion from Thomas, Hannah finally wiggled her shoe off and Thomas assessed the damage that had been done to her foot.

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