Chapter 8

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"Hannah," He croaked as he started to shake harder and she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Alex had tears in her eyes and Hannah grabbed her wrist, pulling her into their hug.

"What are we going to do?" Hannah whispered into Thomas' shirt, dampening it with her tears.

He squeezed her gently, his arms were now around her and Alex, who returned the embrace.


"We have to go back," Alex sat in the front seat of the car this time as she patted her eyes with her fingers, hoping that the puffiness would go away before they got back into town.

"They lied to us. Matt was supposed to be in that camp. It's the only reason why we are helping them," Hannah sighed, shaking her head disapprovingly.

She was now in the back seat directly behind Thomas, who had his left hand stretched behind him in a desperate attempt to hold her hand. She grabbed it, relief flooding through her and she squeezed his callused fingers gently.

"They wanted our help and knew that we wouldn't if Matt's rescue was out of the picture," Thomas cleared his throat. "But do we tell them that we know?"

"I don't know. Honestly, I'm just tired and my legs are throbbing right now. How about we just think through this for a few days? Just act normal until we think of something," Hannah's reassuring grip on Thomas' hands at tightened and her knuckles were turning white. She loosened her grip as Thomas stretched his fingers absentmindedly as he dispersed the numbness.

"Yeah, I guess so," Thomas stared ahead, not wanting to look back.

"I want to kick his sorry ass, though. Since I love you two so much, I guess I can save the ass kicking for another day," Alex shrugged and then leaned forward, trying to hide the tears that had just started to blur her vision. She would need to get her useless emotions under control before anyone noticed.

Hannah looked out the window, blinking back the tears that stung her eyes and biting her quivering lip. She didn't notice that it had started bleeding. Unlike the other two, Thomas looked forward, wanting to cry but he was completely unable. He wouldn't be able to look out the rearview mirrors until the town was far behind them. He could only stare ahead at the long road before him and keep driving.


"The mission was a success, sir," Thomas stared at the towns leader and fought back the urge to strangle him.

Hannah noticed him tense in his chair and she lightly tapped his foot, causing him to look down to hide his hateful expression.

"Excellent! I am hoping to intensify your training, along with the other soldiers so that we will be ready for the attack. We will proceed with our plan as soon as we get rid of their safe houses."

Alex nodded. Her mouth was closed the entire time and she had to squeeze her leg to the point of pain to swallow back the words that were on the tip of her tongue.

When none of the teenagers showed their usual enthusiasm about the plans to take down the enemy's camp, his smile slowly dissolved, "Are you three alright?"

As if he had pressed a switch, their faces stretched into wide smiles. Hannah was the one to answer, "Of course, sir. The mission was a success and we couldn't be any happier."

Thomas cleared his throat to get rid of the small lump that had formed as he thought about Matt. Hannah grabbed his hand and squeezed tightly, neither of them caring about the pain.

"If you insist, but if you need to talk to me, you guys can," Henry gave a reassuring smile and closed the file that he had been reading from. "How about we resume this meeting in a few days? You all must be extremely tired."

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