Chapter 6

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When Hannah's eyes adjusted she stumbled backwards and ran into Thomas' chest. Although neither of them registered it due to the fact that there was a fire truck in front of them. The sirens were silent, but the red light at the top was spinning around in a circular motion.

"Yeah, that's right," A man yelled from the front seat. "Put the weapons down."

A scar ran from his hair line down to underneath his chin. Part of it was lost in the untamed beard that was growing. Hannah dropped her empty gun and knife, although Aelx was slightly more hesitant.

"You're coming with us," He growled. "Get in the back."

"Hold on a second, we aren't going anywhere. We don't even know you!" Thomas yelled, standing beside Hannah, who was shielding Alex.

The man walked forward slowly, "You aren't in the position to be making orders. Get in by yourselves, or my guys will have to give you a bit of help."
Hannah tugged on Thomas' shirt and whispered, "Could we run?"
"I noticed some guys in the treeline, everyone seems to have guns," He muttered
"Okay," Hannah sighed, loud enough for the man to hear. "I call shotgun though."
"No guns!" He growled
"Shotgun means the passenger seat, idiot," Alex called over Hannah's shoulder


If she got over the fact that a gun was constantly aimed at her head, Hannah found the drive to be quite boring. Large men sat in the back where several seats were lined up. Alex and Thomas sat on the floor, fairly close to her.

Hannah shifted her eyes towards their captor, whom seemed to be the leader, "Who are you?"
"You don't need to know."
"Where are you taking us?" Hannah continued
"None of your damn buisness."
"It is my buisness since I'm the one going there," she replied in mock sweetness
He held up his gun in Hannah's face, "Shut up. Unlike your guns, this one is loaded."

She swallowed the lump in her throat and looked out the window. Are we going back to the camp? Alex was looking at her and the girls realized that they were thinking the same thing.

"But," the man continued. "You aren't going back to that damn prison again, to make you feel better."

Hannah let go of the breath that she was holding, even though she was far from relaxed.


The bumps in the road got larger as they entered a small city in the middle of nowhere. By the sound in Hannah's stomach, she assumed that it was around dinner time. The fire truck stopped infront of a walmart and beads of sweat started forming on her forehead. She reached for her knife and remembered that they had taken it from her. I'm defenseless.

"Okay, this is our stop!" The man yelled, jumping out

Alex and Thomas jumped out of the door before the other guys could push them.

Hannah made the mistake of hesitating and landed on Thomas, who apologized. Why are you aplogizing? I landed on you.

"Go in through the back entrance, my guys will show you the way."

The stores exterior still looked relatively new, with a Grand Opening! sign hanging slightly above the main entrance.

"Is this your base?" Alex asked one of the younger guys. Anyone older than 25 years old looked as if they would punch her for speaking.
"Nah," He smiled. "It's a safe house. The main base is still a bit further, we're just here for the night."
Alex smiled, glad that this kid was so naive like she had been in the beginning, "Oh? Well are we prisoners?"

The young teen looked over at the soldier closest to them, who was glaring and shaking his head. The boy immediately looked down and mumbled, "Sorry ma'am. I can't answer your questions."
Alex sighed and fell in step with Hannah and Thomas, "Did you guys get any of that?"
"Every word," Thomas answered quietly.
"They must be a pretty developed base if they have safe houses," Hannah mumbled to herself, although Thomas heard her.

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