Chapter 11

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Authors Note: The epilogue is after this chapter, but this story has been amazing and so fun to write. I hope to edit and improve it further but as far as I'm planning, this will be the second last chapter.

And I should also apologize for the lack of updates. I've had a hard time writibg this chaoter but I hope you still like it. I'm open for any suggestions on how to improve it and I hope to change a few things up as time goes on.

The disgusting stench of decomposing bodies worsened the further into the war zone they went. Slowly, they found more children who had been victims of Brett's strict laws and they had sent them to find Isabelle in the town hall, although Matt and Hannah doubted they would all make it past the dangerous, chaotic streets.


Hannah and Matt turned around quickly towards the sound of the harsh voice, watching as a young girl was being shoved roughly by one of the towns guards. She fell to the ground, her bare knees smacking against the cold cement.

"Leave her alone!" Matt let go of Hannah shoulder and began limping towards them, the gun in his left hand.

As soon as the young girl attempted to push herself back up, she was forced back down by the end of a large gun. The guard was oblivious to Matt, who was quickly approaching him.

"Get off of her!" Matt struggled to push over the larger guy, but managed to get him slightly further from her.

The guard swung his arm, making it connect with Matt's injured side.

Hannah gritted her teeth and notched an arrow into her bow as she go of the string, the arrow sinking into the mans thick skull with a solid cracking sound.

As she ran towards them she could hear Matt whispering to the young girl, "It's okay. Are you injured?"

The guards body lay on the ground in front of them, but Matt shuffled over slightly to hide it from the young girls eyes.

When she shook her head vigorously to answer his question he continued, "Okay, good." He gave her an encouraging smile before continuing. "Go to the town hall, you may have some friends waiting for you there."

Hannah watched her sprint away, the young girls large gun was weighing her down and caused her to trip with every small step.

"We just killed a guard," He looked back down at the man, the arrow dug deeply into his head and kept the majority of the blood from dampening the cracked cement. "So who's team are we on? I don't even know who we are anymore."

Hannah turned towards him, deeply considering his question before answering, carefully watching the child until she had rounded the corner, "Is there a specific rule stating that we have to choose a side? There aren't teams, only individuals who choose to do good and those who do bad."

He chuckled slightly and his shoulders relaxed as he kicked a bullet across the pavement. Although the deep sadness that had been reflected never left his eyes.


The further they walked, the worse the scene surrounding them became. The stench of rotting corpses and the blood that now stained their boots was sickening and had started to dry in long streaks that ran across several exposed surfaces. They had become accustomed to the sounds of the guns going off and continued to show citizens from town and the young soldiers from camp how to get to the town hall. It had become a long and tiring cycle, one that they hadn't wanted to take part in.

With every passing second, Hannah became weaker and more exhausted. By the way Matt leaned on her so heavily she knew that the last burst of his energy had been drained and was now forcing hers to be extinguished as well.

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