Prologue: The Beginning

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Prologue: The Beginning

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The year is 2000. The scene is shown to be inside the SM Entertainment building in Seoul, South Korea. The day is just beginning  Music is being played in the background. It's serene and classical-like because it is early in the morning. There's a faint sound of a guitar being strummed as well as an SM trainee stayed overnight to practice for a new song. The building slowly springs into life as one by one, familiar SM faces of the era appeared.

[ Enter H.O.T. 'Tony' and 'Heejun' and S.E.S 'Bada' and 'Eugene']

'Tony' and 'Heejun' are discussing group matters and joking around; their group at the peak of their career. 'Bada' and 'Eugene' move to one corner of the stage as they wait for their other member, 'Shoo'.

[The spolight focuses on H.O.T. and the surrounding light dimms slightly]

Tony: (to Heejun) Hyung, how does it feel to be on hiatus right now? Refresing isn't it?

Heejun: Dangyunhaji~ promoting our last album has been a blast and all, but sometimes we need to take a rest. Thank goodness the time is here.

Tony: Why did you call me back to SM then?

Heejun: Because we are always lonely these days, so we should spend some time here practicing leisurely and talking to our chingus!

[Both H.O.T. members laugh loudly. Spotlight slowly shifts focus to S.E.S. and music continues to play in the background]

Eugene: (complimenting) Unnie! Jinja yeppuda~!

'Bada' is wearing a flowery sun dress that she bought the week before. It has a rose pattern on it and each rose has a pastel-like pink colour to it. 

Bada: Kamsahabnida~ I bought some more for you and Shoo as well. We'll go to my house later and collect it.

Eugene: Should we use it for our next concept?

Bada: I don't see why not? (Smiles broadly). Perhaps when we do a colourful, but uniformed concept.

Eugene: (Excitedly) Ooh yes! What other colours are there for the floral patterns?

Bada: I've also got neon-yellow and a peal-white coloured...

Eugene: Wow, it's definitely a bright concept unnie!

Bada: Dangyunhaji!

[As the girls chat away, lights brighten up. H.O.T. members walk in the direction of S.E.S and they meet]

Tony: Oh, S.E.S! Annyeong~

Bada & Eugene: Sunbaenim annyeonghaseyo~

Heejun: Eyy, no need to be so polite this early. After all we are in the same company.

Eugene: Aniyo oppa, it's our nature.

H.O.T. and S.E.S. members walk towards the cafeteria at the centre of the stage. This early in the morning it is relatively quiet. As they arrive at the cafeteria, the background music begins to fade out slowly, until by the time they sit down, it stops. 

[H.O.T. and S.E.S. continue laughter for a while]

Bada: (to Tony and Heejun) We haven't had morning coffee with you in a long time because of our schedules.

[H.O.T. members smile]

Eugene: By the way, have you paid a visit to the little angel yet?

Tony: Little angel? Ah, Soojung?

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