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AMBER OPENED HER eyes slowly, her curtains were pulled open, and the sun was beaming in, leaving a gold glow across the room. Amber sat up straight in her bed, she took a deep breath in, remembering what had happened last night. Amber got up slowly, and changed, putting on Pietro's hoodie and a pair of leggings. She pulled her hair back into a very messily done bun. Amber looked at herself in her mirror, before letting out a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding.

"Ok, you got this Amber, just try act normal" She muttered to herself anxiously, she stood up straighter and opened the door that led out to the hallway. Amber walked at a slow pace towards the kitchen and living room, where she presumed everyone was eating or talking.

As Amber approached the room slowly and quietly, She could see Steve and Sam were on the couch discussing something in low voices, Wanda facing away from the door talking to Vision, and Natasha and Rhodey who were eating breakfast. Amber entered the room against her minds will,

"Hey" she spoke softly, so quiet it was as if she had whispered, Everyone turned around to face the smaller girl. Natasha grinned at the girl, Steve and Sam stood up from the couch.

"Hey Amber, nice to see you out of your room" Sam commented, "I was starting to think you were turning into a vampire",

Wanda glared at Amber before storming off in the other direction, The Avengers watched as she left. Amber felt her gaze move guiltily to the floor as Wanda left.

"Hey kid, look it's not your fault" Natasha said turning back towards the youngest Avenger,

"Yeah, It's just Wanda has had a rough few weeks" Rhodey tried to reassure her, everyone immediately glared at him.

"And I haven't?" Amber replied, walking towards the kitchen, the teams eyes followed her. She quickly grabbed a apple and sat down.

"We heard the fight you both had" Natasha said sitting next to her, "It was rough".

Amber was silent but took a bite of her apple, "Well it wasn't the nicest thing to hear, yet it is partially true" she replied quietly,

"Have you been to see his grave yet?" Natasha asked,

"Yes," Amber said bluntly,

"How?" Steve butted in,

"I snuck out my window at three in the morning until four, then I snuck back in" Amber replied in a matter of fact way.

They both glanced at her, but Amber raised a brow, "Anything else you need to know?" She sighed.

"You've been stealing food from the kitchen two nights a week?" Steve asked,

"Yes, because as much as I want myself to die right now, starving to death doesn't seem like a great option" Amber said taking another bite of her apple,

"So you've been living on two meals a week?" Sam butted in curiously,

"Yes" Amber replied throwing away her now finished apple.

"Excuse me," Steve said as his phone rang, he answered it then walked off.

"So what did you do for two months alone in your bedroom?" Sam asked,

"Well I stared at the wall, um...I sat on my bed, I stared at the wall, I tried to sleep, but that didn't work. And did I mention I stared at the wall?" Amber said drinking some water.

Sam chuckled, at the girl, but it turned serious once Steve walked back into the room.

"Natasha, Sam, Amber gear up we have a lead" Steve said glancing at his phone,

"On who?" Amber asked,

"Rumlow" Steve replied,

"That dude that pretended to be apart of S.H.I.E.L.D, but was actually a spy for Hydra?" Amber questioned,

"Ding, Ding,Ding, we have a winner" Natasha smirked,

"Where are we going?" Sam asked,

"Ever heard of a place called Lagos?".


AND THERE WE HAVE IT. The last chapter of Audacious, please vote and comment and show me some love.

Thank you for coming on this roller coaster or a story it's been wild and INSANE for me. So thank you to all of you ghost readers and non ghost reader I love you all x

There will be a sequel but it's not published yet so once it is I'll post a chapter on this with all the info.

Xoxo Gossip girl,

Nah I'm kidding, until next time friends :)

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