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Taehyung showed me to my room on the first floor. He unlocked it with a key and motioned for me to follow him.

The room was good and spacious. There was a bed, a closet and a small writing desk. But there were no outlets. So no windows or doors except for the one we entered in. They had given me this so that I couldn't escape anywhere.

"There's the bathroom. That is your closet. We got you some clothes, because ofcourse you are not carrying any of yours."

I noticed a little telephone beside the bed. But It would probably not dial outgoing.

"That won't work, so no point trying to call your brothers or anyone else."

"I know, I figured it out already"

"If you want anything just press 7 on that and one of us will pick up. Your room will be locked from outside. So, when the need is, we will come and get you out. Other than that, there is water to drink there. Take a bath and get ready, we have a couple of things to discuss later"

With that he left and I heard the door being locked from outside.

I immediately went to get clothes so that I could take a shower. As soon as I opened the door to the closet, all I could see was black clothes. Black jeans, tracks, tops and some black dresses. As I opened another drawer, there were a couple of bras and underpants too. I picked up my bra only to be shocked.

They had the correct size. How did they know? What sort of perverted X-Ray eyes did they have to look through and tell my bra size?

Dismissing the thoughts I picked up my clothes and headed to take in a shower. After washing my hair and drying them, I took a seat on the bed. It hadn't even been 2 hours, until I felt a little uneasy which was followed by wetness in my underpants.

Oh my, not now.

I ran into the bathroom to confirm my suspicions. It was true, I was on my periods. I looked around to see if they had been woke enough to put a packet of pads or tampons, but none were found.

I had no choice but to ask them to fetch some for me.

I hesitantly took the phone and dialled.

"What do you want", a cold voice asked from the other side. It was Jimin.

"Uh, I have a little situation here"


"I, um I need something."

"Say it in one go. I don't have the whole day to play chardes with you."

"I am on my periods and I need pads"

There was silence on the other side, after which he hung up the phone. What? What was this supposed to mean? Was it a yes or a no? If they weren't going to give me pads, boi I was going to stain their bed so bad.

I waited for 15 minutes until the lock from outside opened. Jungkook came in with a big bag before tossing the bag at me.

This kid. He did not mind picking guns and taking bullets, but could not hold a pack of pads.

"Thanks", I muttered before taking one and heading into the bathroom.

An hour later, my door was unlocked and Jin came to fetch me.

We both headed to what look like a work room. Jimin and the others were already seated there waiting for us.

"Jena you have been called because we have your mission", he said with the same monotonous voice.

I stayed silent as my stomach churned out of nervousness. What could it be?

"You will act like a transporter. Pick up a package and get it for us."

"What you see here is the Jang dockyard here in Seoul. Somewhere within this is a warehouse which is owned by Ma Dong, one of Choi family's biggest informant. He has a lot of data on all of Choi's businesses. You will find it in a computer file somewhere in there which Taehyung will be able to point out for you once you get him access to the computers. Take that and get it in this pendrive", Namjoon said putting foward a small pendrive.

"Ma dong is currently in Busan, bringing in a drug consignment from Japan. He and his men shouldn't be around. There might be only two or three people guarding so it should be easy for you. Hoseok will be accompanying you there. You leave tonight at 11. It will take 20 minutes to get the files and then you will immediately leave. Avoid bloodshed, I don't want Ma dong trailing us for killing his men", Jimin finished.

"So let me summarise. We go in, put the pen drive into the system, wait 20 minutes until the data gets transferred and then leave."

"Exactly but one change. Hoseok will guard the doors and you will go inside", Namjoon said.

I gulped in nervousness. What if I messed it up and got us into trouble.

"Jungkook give her the weapons she needs. Get her ready. We don't have time", Jimin said.

Jungkook motioned for me to come along with him. We entered a room which reeked of ammunition and metals.

"Wear this", he said giving me a belt for my waist. I put it on and there were two outlets for guns. He gave me a garter belt to put on my thighs for a silver dagger. And a small case which went inside my shoes for mini daggers that can be thrown at a distance.

"These are.."

"22LR pistols", I completed taking both of them and putting them in my holder.

"Woahhh, you know about guns", Jungkook said.

"Grew up among them. Of course I know."

"I like you. You are cool", he said giving me a smile.

I ignored him not knowing how to behave around him. He and Yoongi shot Sungjae and Minhyuk and they are the reason why I am here in the first place.

"Jungkook can I ask you something?"

"Shoot", he said gathering some bullets from a box.

"When you shot Sungjae and Minhyuk, did you.."

"No we did not shoot them to kill, only disable. We never kill until it is necessary. In case you want to know, and Hyung might kill me for saying this. But they are both fine. Sungjae is awake and recovering and Minhyuk went into surgery yesterday. He is out and resting now"

"What? How do you know?", I asked dumbfounded.

"We have eyes and people everywhere", he said shrugging his shoulders and lowering himself until he was supported by the wall.

Hearing this made me feel a little good and relieved.

"And about Taeyong?"

"I am not allowed to talk to you about all this. Just because I told you one thing, doesn't mean you can go on interrogating", he said.

I stayed silent in response.

"Okay so let's go. Everyone is waiting outside for us", he said leading the way.

I followed suit, my mind still captivated by all sorts of thoughts."

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