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It was quite a task, getting Namjoon to stay quiet. After much coaxing and pleading, he stayed shut until we told the others.

Jimin decided that before anyone else, Hoseok deserved to know the truth. He knew his Hyung like Jena and he would be heart broken if he heard it from someone else.

He sighed as he knocked on Hoseok's door.

"Come in", Hobi said.

He walked in to see Hoseok folding his clothes.

"Morning Jiminie, how can I help you", he said smiling with his sunshine like personality.

"Hyung, can I talk to you?"

Hoseok was surprised he called him Hyung. He never used it unless it was something serious or emotional he wanted to talk about and maybe a part of Hobi knew what this conversation was about.

"Yes of course, sit", he said and the younger one did.

"What happened?"

"I want to tell you something"

"Go ahead"

"I love Jena"

"I know", Hobi said smiling.

"You know?"

"I do, It is evident in your eyes. A blind man could look and tell too"

Jimin blushed as he heard this.

"A day before, I confessed to Jena and she accepted my feelings. I wasn't going to but it just stumbled out of my mouth. She confessed back and we have sort of started dating"

Hoseok felt his heart crush as he heard this. But he still smiled for his younger brother.

"I wanted to tell you this because I know you liked her too. Be honest with me. Are you okay with this?"

"Jimin you want me to be honest?"


"I am heart broken because I really liked her. This is not easy for me to hear."

"Hyung I am sorry..."

"No let me finish. But, I have seen the way Jena looks at you too. She is madly in love with you and I couldn't be more happier that you have found someone so beautiful, pure and loving. It will take me some time to get over it, maybe there will be drunk outbursts too but I promise I will be over it. And I also promise you that I am very happy for you. So don't think that you have hurt me. I hope you have the best time of your life with Jena", Hoseok said the smile still on his face.

Jimin was in tears as he heard this.

"Hyung I am sorry", he said as he hugged the elder one.

"Why? You have done nothing wrong. You considered my feelings and you came and talked to me about it, what more could I ask for? You weren't obliged to, yet you did it. "

"I am sure you will find someone that loves you", Jimin said.

"I will, I can already sense it. My hope instinct says it", Hobi said laughing. "Now you idiot, go be with her. She needs you", he said.

Jimin nodded and stood up before kissing Hoseok on the cheek.

"EWWWW", he said rubbing his cheek. With that Jimin left the room.

Hoseok sat staring at the bed sheet as a tear fell from his eye on the shirt in his lap that went from a sky blue to a dark blue.

Today he knew that everything between him and Jena was finally over.

Cue to five hours later, post lunch.

We sat everyone down as me and Jena sat on the other side.

"There is something we need to tell you guys", Jena said.

"We are dating", Jimin completed.

All of them looked at them just like Namjoon. Jungkook ate his ice cream as he stealthily tried to stand up and move.

"WE FUCKING KNEW IT", Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung yelled in unison.



"That is not how it works Hyung. I have the signed paper where everyone took their sides and signed to confirm so there was no last minute switching", Taehyung said.

Me and Jimin looked at each other and than at this exchange in horror. They had made a betting game out of our relationship, these rascals.


"Jungkook you idiot we could have ate lamb skewers for two weeks for the money we lost because of you", Yoongi cried.

"SHUT UP", I yelled in frustration at all of them. Even Jimin looked at me scared.

"This is an important part in our lives. How can you do this to us. This is not a horse racing event", I shouted.

"You see we are happy for you, but we have a bet here. And when bangtan has a bet, Jimin knows not to interfere because it is life and death", Jin said.

"I will kill all of you and that will be your death", I said. "And what did you all bet on anyway. You knew I liked him"

"Honey the bet wasn't on you. It was on him. These three losers here bet that he wouldn't like you back and we did that he liked you", Taehyung clarified.

"What? Why wouldn't he like me?", I asked the three of the losing party.

"You see no offense but Hyung likes sexy girls like Stella. Second he hated you when you came here. Third, he prefers elder women like Valentina and other girls he used to fuck called Alice, Juhyoon, Misty, Karina, Yumi, Hyeri and Hyemi  that were elder by 8, 6, 1, 3, 1, 4 and 12 years respectively. Fourth, he has a natural preference for short, curvy and blonde hair girls. Also Tan skin is his favorite. You well don't fall in any of the above", Jungkook said.

I looked at Jimin with so much anger in my eyes. Apart from Valentina, he never mentioned any of the others.

"Jeon Jungkook you have five seconds to leave before I stab you", I said. "And you cheater, don't talk to me", I said pointing at Jimin.

With that I moved my wheelchair to go back to my room.

"JENA, JENA STOP", Jimin shouted but I had already left.

"Jeon Jungkook, know when to shut your mouth", I said at him angrily before chasing behind Jena.

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