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I headed first to the Lee house. If I was going to stop the Chois, I am gonna need something that I know better than anyone else.

Oleander poison.

I looked at the little tattoo on my wrist. I may not be a Lee anymore, but they can never take the oleander out of me.

I scanned the huge warehouse which had the poisons I needed. There were two people guarding it. If my assumptions were right, a small door from the dining area should get in. But that would require me to get into the house which was practically impossible.

So the only option was to disable these men and make my way inside.

I climbed the huge wall, cut the barb wire and jumped into the campus. The dark suit camouflaged me well and my knowledge of the mansion made it much easier to find my way.

Once I was finally at the small rooftop right above the storage room, I fastened a rope around a pillar and one right above my waist as I prepared to jump.

The man guarding the storage house thought he heard something as he turned around. Before he could figure what was happening, a big white handkerchief was placed on his nose, a pungent smell entered his system and he lost consciousness.

The other man who saw this dashed towards me but unfortunately got stabbed with a syringe filled with sedatives as his entire body got paralysed and he fell too.

I dragged both their bodies across and hid them behind the bushes before unlocking the door to the storage. Fortunately no one had changed the code and got in easily.

The smell of the poison filled the room and I quickly covered my nose. I found just the one I needed as I filled a bottle full of it and grabbed a couple hundred dart needles and a dart gun just in case.

After I was done getting everything I needed, I put those two men back in their place to make it look like they had fallen asleep.

One last look at the mansion I climbed the wall again as I left.

We may not have the same blood, but we are still family. And families look out of for each other.

Now it was time to pay the Chois a visit.

Jimin woke up, his head bursting with pain as he stood up. The last thing he remembered was standing up after dinner to go sit with the boys in the living room before he fainted.

His eyes darted around to see all of them were still sleeping. He woke everyone up and after much effort they did.

In all this he had completely forgotten about EunHa. He made way to her room to see it completely empty. Not a sign of EunHa.

He ran around the house, checking every nook and corner as he called out for you, heart beating slightly faster at no sight of her.

He dashed to the living room waking all the boys up who shot up instantly as they heard about EunHa missing.

"The last thing I remember is getting panicked at seeing all of you faint like this. But before I could do anything, my vision got clouded and I fell too", Yoongi said rubbing his sore head.

Jin's eyes twitched aseverything starts to make sense.

"Jungkook get me the food from yesterday. You saved leftovers didn't you?"

The youngest nodded, sprinting to the kitchen as he came back with the cold food.

Jin dipped a finger inside tasting it. As he guessed, it tasted bitter. Something had been added to it which reacted with the food over night making it taste the way it did now.

"EunHa laced our food with some sedatives. That is why we all fainted. It must be her plan so she could escape", the eldest says shaking his head at his sister's erratic behaviour. "THAT BRAT", he yelled.

"We have... we have to find her... where did she go?", Jimin panicked, tears forming in his eyes. He had a string of negative thoughts filling up his mind and it made him paranoid. He had almost lost EunHa once and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her again.

"MY CAR", Jungkook yelled as he came running inside. "SHE TOOK MY AUDI. THE GPS AND TRACKER WERE PULLED OUT AND THROWN ON THE SIDE", he yelled.

Seeing Jungkook, something snapped inside Taehyung and Yoongi as they both ran to their rooms.

"She took them, SHE TOOK THE FUCKING RUSSIAN GUNS I GOT FROM MOSCOW LAST WEEK", Yoongi yelled. "MY PHONE", Taehyung panicked. "The alarm of the house was cut off, that is why it did not ring"

Jimin grunted in annoyance.

"How do we find her?"

"The black studs. They are still in her ears", Jin said with a wicked smile. "Those things are the ones getting her ass saved everytime"



"Set the system up again in your laptop", Yoongi suggested.

"That will take time. Give me 15 minutes"

Jimin bit his lip but agreed as he worried about EunHa.

"Hyung it will be okay", Kookie said patting his back. "We will find her"

"But she is all by herself. She hasn't even healed completely. And going to the Chois alone? That is almost like inviting your own death. I don't want the warehouse incident to repeat itself"

"It won't Hyung. Trust EunHa, she will take care of herself. Taehyung will locate her and soon we will go find her"

Jimin nodded, wiping away the tears and moving to see Taehyung's progress. He seemed to be typing something quickly on his laptop and Jimin could only wait for him to complete.

On the other side, I stood outside the Chois mansion, Taehyung's phone in my hand. The Blueprints popped on the screen and it took me a minute to scan and memorize the plan of the house. Next step was to hack into the cameras.

I knew basic hacking. Hoshi, Taeyong's friend had taught it to me. But I wasn't sure if it would suffice to get me access to the cameras. I sat outside, struggling. 20 minutes later and after wrecking my brain, I finally did it. I could see the Chois in the main room and all the guards at their positions. I recorded 15 minutes of this video. Now the guards watching the footage were just going to see this video being played on loop and think everything outside was fine.

I grinned.

Now it was time to get started with the actual plan.

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