Bang Bang

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It took me a couple of days but I had started to blend normally with the boys like before. I ate with them on the same table, I assume even talked a little with Jungkook, Jin and Hoseok. I had a run in with Stella which became very awkward. She still couldn't use her left hand that I had stabbed and it also happened to be her dominant hand. I wanted to apologize but then I recalled everything she had done and said and I considered us even now.

I always saw her and Jimin lying on the couch, their bodies almost wrapped with each other. It wasn't supposed to make me uncomfortable but it did. I couldn't bear to see them always together like this. Initially it was because I felt disgusted but now It wasn't that. It was more like jealousy. I had to shake my head vigorously. No I wasn't jealous. I did not care. And why would I be jealous? Jimin was one of the people on this earth I would kill first if I had the chance too.

We had been called by him in the small part of the living room where we always had our meeting.

I was the last one to be there and the boys were already there. I quickly took seat beside Jimin since it was the only one available. Stella sat on his other side.

"Recognize him?", Jimin asked at the picture that was on display on Taehyung's laptop.

I looked closely as I realised who it was.

"Bang Hongbin. The dean of my university", I said surprised about what he had to do with any of this.

"Correct. But one error. Part time dean because the other time he works as a treasurer and accountant for the Chois. He takes care of all of Choi's money and in return they do him favors like funding his university and giving him power in other places."

"What? Dean Bang would never", I was surprised beyond words.

Taehyung clicked a little device in his hands and the picture changed showing dean coming out of the car. The next picture was of him shaking hands and taking a package from Yukhei.

"That's Yukhei", I said.

"Now you believe it", Jimin asked.

What was happening. Our dean, the one man everyone on campus respected so much was actually working for the Mafia.

"We have to get details from him. We need information on the Choi's accounts and he is the one man who knows everything", Namjoon spoke, writing something in his diary.

"Why would he give us though. He wouldn't speak like that. We need to make him speak", Yoongi added as he serviced his guns while sitting on the ground. I couldn't get my eyes of those matte black weapons. Damn so sexy. Yoongi noticed the way Jena admired them and a smirk formed on his face. He had to accept, he had never seen a woman in his life who was as badass as this girl.

"I know of a way he will speak. Jena you have a friend. Chan Bang or as you know him, Chris Bang", I immediately snapped out of staring at the guns and looked at Jimin.

"Yeah he is the dean's son"

"We Kidnap him", he said smiling.

"WHATT", I asked taken aback.

"Hongbin sees that we have his son, it gives a leverage. That will make him speak", Namjoon added.

"But Chan is innocent. What he has to do with any of this?". Chris was a good friend of mine and the last thing I would want to see him being forced and kept here for his father's sake.

"You are innocent too. But here you are. That's just how we roll", Jimin said standing up.

I was speechless.

"Anyway, tomorrow Yoongi, Jin and Jena you will go and bring Chan here", Jimin said.

"Why do I have to go?"

I couldn't bear to see this. I rather not associate myself especially when someone who I knew and cared about was at stake.

"Because you have no choice", Jimin said. Beside him Stella let out a chuckle.

"Stella I see you cannot use your left hand. Wouldn't it be a shame if your right hand became unusable too?", I bent forward a little to get view of her as I directed the question to her. I knew it was inappropriate but I couldn't help myself.

Her entire demeanor changed completely. The playful chuckle had now turned into utter silence. From beside me Jungkook let out the ugliest laugh. Even Jin had to stop himself from breaking into a laughter. Hoseok put his hand over his mouth. Taehyung started laughing too. Yoongi and Namjoon were the only ones who did not react. Jimin well like usual was busy boring holes into my body with his eyes.

"We will take Chan tomorrow. Yoongi Hyung and Jin Hyung, we do it in the morning when he leaves his house. Do it the same way you kidnapped Jena. But be a little more gentle and respectful"

This time the joke was made on me. I gave him the meanest look I could. He motioned to Stella and both of them left.


I went back to my room as well lost in thoughts. It was almost impossible to believe that Dean Bang worked for the Choi's. That explains why father did not want me to get into National University. He knew it already. Maybe I should have listened to him. 


In the morning all three of us were ready and all set to leave. Jin drove as Yoongi sat beside him and I sat at the back. Jungkook who was in charge of my combat suit had made me wear a leather jacket because he wanted me to look a little more Mafia like than I was and apparently plain black shirts did not make the cut.

"I got this from Gucci. Make sure you don't stain it with blood. That's difficult to get out", were his clear instructions to me.

So here I sat in $2500 jacket waiting to kidnap someone while being kidnapped myself.

We reached a point which was in the middle of nowhere. Literally. There were only green fields around. Jin stopped the car on the side.

"We will set up the plan here. This is the way to Dean's house. At 8:45 Chan should leave for his college. He leaves after the Dean. As soon as the car is in sight, we will shoot the tyre and disable. If Taehyung's intel is correct, there should be two men with him. Jin Hyung and Jena you take them out and get Chris. I will give cover", Yoongi instructed us.

I nodded as we helped him set the area up. We stayed below while he climbed a tree and set his sniper gun.

"I see the car", he said, binoculars in hand.

Both me and Jin took our positions. I got my gun and kept it ready and so did Jin. Now it was time to get started with my third mission.

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