The real me

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"Jena", Jin looked around searching for her.

He found her in his sister's room looking at the pictures.

"Let's go"

"Jin", she said softly calling out to him.

She pointed at a picture on the wall. A half torn picture of me and EunHa. But only my part of the picture was in the frame. The other half went missing somewhere.

She moved forward as she took the frame of the wall.

"What are you doing?", I asked unsure of her actions.

She flipped it around as she opened the frame and removed the picture.

"Don't", I said but she did not stop.

She put it on the table as she removed what looked like her wallet. She removed a piece of paper in an odd shape and placed it by my picture.

Tears rolled down her eyes as she looked at me.

I still couldn't understand what was going on as I stepped closer to take a look.

My heart froze at the sight.

It was the other half of the picture which disappeared 16 years ago. She looked at me as I looked back at her.

"How did you get this picture?", I asked my voice shaking.

"That is me"

"That is not you"



She removed another picture as she handed it to me.

My eyes widened as I looked it it. It was with her brothers from when she must be 5-6 years old. And she looked exactly like EunHa. Curly hair, the same light brown eyes And chubby cheeks. A cotton candy in hand.

Cotton candy, EunHa loved it.

I looked at the wall where other pictures of EunHa were to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

I looked back at Jena.

"No way"

She did not say anything as more tears kept rolling down her eyes.

Jimin came back home later. He had been very hurt with Jena's words and he needed some time to be away. He saw all boys sitting in the living room around Jin who seemed like he was crying.

He got worried as he headed there.

"What happened?", he asked as he saw all of them looking uncomfortable or remorse.

"Jin Hyung", Jungkook said tapping the eldest. "Tell him"

"Tell me what?"

"I found my sister"

"WHAT?", I asked surprised. Was I hearing this correctly?

"Who is she? Where is she? Is she here?"

"It's Jena", he said.

"What", I asked dumbfounded. What was he saying?

"Hyung, what are you saying?"

"Jena is the sister I lost 16 years ago. She is EunHa"

I looked at Namjoon to see if what I was hearing was correct. He nodded and my mind felt like it was going to spin. What shit was happening.

"But isn't Jena a Lee?"

"No", Jin said. "They took her away when she was 4. She wasn't missing. Daniel Lee took her and made her his daughter"

I couldn't take too much of information in one go. Suddenly I remembered I should check on Jena too.

"Where is she?"

"In her room", Yoongi Hyung said.

I immediately rushed in to Jena's room. She was inside, crying too. Looking at two pictures in front of her.

"Jena", I said as I ran to her.

She immediately stood as she came to me, holding me tightly and crying in my chest.

"I know, I know", I said stroking her head.

"My entire life has been a lie Jimin. My family isn't who I used to think it is. I was never a Lee. I had another family who they killed and took me away. My brothers aren't my real brothers. All this time I lived not knowing that my real parents were dead and I had a brother who was out there looking for me"

"I am sorry Jena, his happened to you. I am so sorry"

"I don't know what to believe anymore. My existence feels like a lie. It feels pointless living", I said.

"No don't say that. Never say that. You have us, all of us. And we love you more than anyone ever could. So don't you dare call yourself unworthy", he hugged me tightly.

I kept crying more and more as I thought about it. All these years spend as a Lee, it was all a scam.

"Come now. Talk to Jin Hyung. He is as heart broken as you are", he said pulling my arm.

We both walked out towards the living room.

As Jin saw me, he stood up and so did the others. I was again in tears as I let go of Jimin's hand and walked towards Jin. He did the same as I quickened my pace and ran towards him. He opened his arms and I hugged him tightly.

"I have waited a very long time for this moment EunHa", he said as he kissed the top of my head.

I couldn't stop crying as I heard him say this.

My family, my blood.

"Happy birthday EunHa"

"Thank you for giving me the best gift ever", I replied.

The others were in tears too as they watched this. Yoongi who everyone called a stone heart because of his lack of emotions also wiped a few tears. He had seen his Hyung struggle for years trying to find his sister and now that they were together, he couldn't be happier.

"OKAY OKAY I AM ALLERGIC TO EMO STUFF LIKE THIS, STOB IT", Yoongi yelled causing the siblings and others to laugh.

"Oh my is that a tear I see", Jungkook said pointing at Yoongi. "Quick someone get me a bottle, I would like to preserve that"

All of them including the siblings laughed at this.

"Jimin, now the thought you dating her makes me uncomfortable", Jin declared.

I chuckled as I saw Jimin's face.

"Oh my good god, it's going down for real", Taehyung snickered.

"Hyung I...", Jimin began. " I mean we..."

Jin stared laughing as he saw Jimin's face.

"I was just joking. I couldn't be more happier", he said letting go of me and heading towards Jimin.

Jimin smiled as Jin hugged him, but the smile soon disappeared as he whispered in Jimin's ears.

"Hyung will always be watching. No adult business until you marry her. Always keep distance and no going into her room after 9 in the night"

With that Jin parted away, a psychopathic kind of smile on his face which made Jimin almost shiver in fear.

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