Chapter 6- Even more heartache (Hopelessly Devoted to you-Grease)

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After Logan finished singing, Roman realised that this was his chance to confess his love but little did he know that Patton was right behind them listening to their conversation. The same thoughts that ran through Roman's head had also been running through Patton's head. Just as Roman opened his mouth to speak, Patton jumped in to join their conversation.

"Hey guys!" Patton smiled with a certain bounce to his voice, only more so than usual. His sudden appearance made Roman jump.

"Patton I didn't see you there. Warn a guy next time" Roman told him.

"Sorry Ro" he giggled before turning to Logan with a wide smile on his face. "Hey Lo, can I talk to you a sec in private please?" Patton asked.

"Um...sure Patton" Taking Logan's hand in his, Patton led Logan a little bit ahead of the others, ensuring that they all still stayed behind Jessie.

Roman couldn't quite hear their conversation but he could hear the sound of his heart tearing in two when he saw Patton kiss Logan's cheek as a small smile grow across Logan's face. He was too late. The one he loved had already been taken by another before he even had a chance to confess his love.

But he wasn't the only one with a broken heart. Virgil was standing not too far away and saw the kiss as well. His heart was already broken into a million pieces and he wasn't sure how but it broke even more until he could no longer bottle his feelings. A waterfall of tears came gushing down his face, making his eye shadow run down his face as well. He quickly wiped them away, smudging his makeup even more. Suddenly, he began to sing quietly to himself.

"Guess mine's not the first heart broken.
My eyes are not the first to cry.
I'm not the first to know, there's just no getting over you"

Roman was quite near to Virgil but not near enough to hear him singing as Virgil sung as quietly as he could. Heartache filling his whole body, Roman began to sing as well but just as quietly.

"You know I'm just a fool who's willing to sit around and wait for you.
But baby can't you see there's nothing else for me to do?
I'm hopelessly devoted to you"

Neither of the two sides realised but they both began to sing of their pain and heart ache in unison, neither hearing the other.

"But now there's no where to hide since you pushed my love aside.
I'm outta my head.
Hopelessly devoted to you.
Hopelessly devoted to you.
Hopelessly devoted to you"

"My head is saying fool forget him" Roman sung.

"My heart is saying don't let go" Virgil sung.

"Hold onto the end.
That's what I intend to do.
I'm hopelessly devoted to you" they both sung in unison again.
"But now there's no where to hide since you pushed my love aside.
I'm outta my head.
Hopelessly devoted to you.
Hopelessly devoted to you.
Hopelessly devoted to you."

Once they had both finished singing and complaining of their heart ache, they attempted to push away the thoughts of the ones they loved and just keep trudging through.

Time skip

"Well, looks like we're finally here!" Jessie called out after what seemed like an eternity of walking. She pushed some leaves out of the way to reveal a vast, white building.

"What is this place?" Patton asked curiously as he ran to her side, tightly holding onto Logan's hand. The two had been flirting the whole rest of the journey, just making Virgil and Roman feel even worse.

"This is my old school"

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